First Kiss

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Leo didn't have a very good day, they got their butts kicked by the Foot, and Raph wasn't listening to him, as usual.
Leo stumbled into his room were you were reading and lied down by you.

"Y/n, I need a hug." He whined.

"Ok, let me put this away." You sigh, getting up.

You place your book on the table and lay down with Leo, snuggling close.

"Bad day?"

"Yeah." He sighs, holding you close. "Hey Y/n?"

"Mhm." You hum, looking up at him.

Leo leans down and kisses you, a sweet and simple kiss. He pulls you close and plays with your hair as you wrap your arms around his neck, smiling and kissing back. After a minute or so he pulls away, smiling too.

"I'm feeling better." He says.

You smile and yawn, falling asleep in his arms.

"Yeah, a lot better." He mumbles, drifting to sleep also.

Donnie was in a bad mood, one of his experiments failed, literally blowing up in his face. He was fine, but his confidence was low.
He sat in his lab, looking at a purple folder when you entered.

"Donnie?" You called, not yet seeing him.

He snapped the folder closed and looked at you.

"Y/n? How long were you there?"

"I just came in."

"Oh, ok."

"Are you ok Don?" You ask, walking over and placing a hand on his shoulder. "Do you need anything?"

"No, I'm fine, just leave me be." He said quietly.

You sighed and looked at him, then got an idea.
You grabbed his hand and looked at it, running your fingers over his palm, placing your hand on his, like in the movie Tarzan, by Disney.
While Donnie was distracted by your hands, you leaned over and kissed him quickly. He snapped his head up as you stood straight again, blushing a little.
Don smiled and pulled you closer, wrapping one arm around your waist. He cupped your cheek with his other hand and kissed you. By instinct you wrapped your arms around his neck loosely, even though this was your first kiss. Donnie moved his hand from your cheek to your hair, running his fingers thru it gently, then moving it to your back.
You play with his bandanna straps, entangling your fingers with them, as Donnie moves both of his arms to your waist, rubbing your sides.
When you finally pull away, your both breathless.

"Wow, how many times have you done that?" You ask.

"T-that was my first time. H-how bad was I?"

"Are you kidding me? You kissed like a pro! At least, I think you did."

Donnie smiled and hugged you.

"Well, your plan worked, you cheered me up." He whispered, kissing your forehead.

Raph was upset, the Foot ninja kicked their shells and Raph took it the hardest.
You walked into the dojo and looked for Raph, who wasn't there. You walked out and to his room where he was sprawled across his bed. You walk in quietly and lie down next to him, but he doesn't move. You sigh and take his hand, kissing it lightly.
He rolls over so he can look at you, and pulls you closer.

"You ok Raph?"

He doesn't answer, just leans closer. Your heart speeds up as he gets closer, and closer, then kisses you. He kisses you with love, and you return it right away. Raph sits up and places you in his lap, not breaking the kiss yet. You play with his bandanna straps while he runs his fingers thru your hair, then cups your face with both of his hands.

Then he pulls away and holds you close, laying down again.
You smile and snuggle closer, enjoying his warmth.

"You give good kisses." He mutters.

"So do you, Raphie."

He just chuckles and peppers your face with more kisses, earning a few giggles from you.

"Donnie?" Mikey calls, entering the Lab.

Donnie doesn't answer, so Mikey puts his plan to action. He find were all of Donnie's files for him are and searches.

"Aha!" Mikey whispers, pulling out a file labeled 'first kiss'.

Mikey reads through it and puts it away, making sure Donnie doesn't know he was there.
But, he forgot the camera.

Any who, Mikey finds you in the kitchen, making chocolate covered strawberries, and sneaks up behind you.

"BOO!" Mikey cries, holding your waist.

You scream and drop the chocolate strawberry you had just dipped. Luckily Mikey caught it, and took a small bite.

"Mmm, Y/n these are delicious! Here, try it!" Mikey said, holding it to your lips.

You smiled and took a bite, licking your lips after.

"Mmm, that is good." You giggle.

Mikey smiles and feeds you another, then eats one himself.

"Hey Y/n, can I try something?"

"Sure Mikey." You smile, leaning on the counter.

"Ok, stay right there, close your eyes, and get ready for a big surprise!"

You giggle and do so. Moments later you feel soft lips pressed on your own, and you open your eyes to see Mikey is kissing you. You giggle and wrap your arms around him, and he hesitantly holds your waist. The kiss is shy, but very sweet, and Mikey relaxes after a moment. You pull at his bandanna straps and he holds you closer, running a hand thru your hair shyly.
You both pull away and he smiles at you, a small tint of red dusting his cheeks.

"That was nice Mikey," you smile, lacing your fingers with his, "I especially liked the chocolate strawberry bit."

"Thanks, I came up with it myself when I saw you making them."

You giggle and peck his lips again before reaching for a strawberry and feeding it to him.

"Your so sweet Mikey."

"You too Y/n." Mikey smiles, kissing your cheek.

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