He tricks you (Raph)

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"Hey, Donnie!" Raph shouts for his brother in the Lab. No answer. Raph walks to the table full of trinkets and a silver watch catches his eye. He slips it on and examines it. His fingers trace over it and he feels a switch, and flips it. Red light covers him from head to toe, and Raph tries to hold in his laughs as a tingle spreads from his toes to his head. The red light fades and he looks in a mirror.

"Sweet mother of mutations, I'm hot." He grins, running a hand through his red hair. "I wonder what Y/n would think?" He said to no one. He looks around the Lab and finds a red shirt, dark green vest, brown pants and shoes. He takes off his mask and stuffs it in his pocket, then runs out to find you. He finds his way to the park and sees you and April. He smiles seeing you in the sunlight, enjoying your surroundings. Then two boys walk up to you. One has extremely red hair and the other has blue dyed hair. Raph growls seeing them pester you, and looks around for something to hit them with. He spots a five dollar bill and scoops it up, and sees an ice cream cart. He runs over and gets you your favorite, and grabs a vanilla for himself. Then he runs over to you.

"Babe! I got your ice cream." He smiles warmly and hands it to you. "Who're they?"


"Ooh, look! Face painting! C'mon Babe." He takes your hand gently and walks with you utterly confused.

Once your out of view and earshot, he lets go of your hand reluctantly.
"Sorry, you looked like you needed some help. I'm.. Ralph. How's your ice cream?" He asks, running a hand through his hair. You stare at him dumbfounded, then snap back to reality and look at your melting ice cream.

"Um, thanks. You look really familiar."

"I get that a lot." He smirks, taking a lick of his ice cream. "So, what's your name?"

"Oh, Y/n."

"Nice name.. Y/n." He smiles slightly, and you smile back.

"So, just so you know, I have a boyfriend."

"He wouldn't be upset if I bought you ice cream, would he?"

"Probably. If he was here he would've beat those boys to a pulp." You smile.

"Is he nice? He sounds kinda... aggressive."

"Oh he's wonderful! Really sweet, and cute," you giggle, "he only shows his soft side to me though. Makes me feel special." You smile and lick your ice cream. Raph smiles too and licks his.

"Huh, what does he do for fun? If you don't mind."

"Um.. He trains in ninjutsu."

"Hmm.. does he use a weapon?" Raph asks, licking his ice cream.

"He uses sais, their kinda like big, sharp forks." You smile.

"Huh, he sounds like a cool guy."

You nod and smile.
"He really is. Raph doesn't know how wonderful he is." You smile and look to the ground, letting a dreamy sigh slip from your lips.

"Thanks Sweetheart, I love you too." He chuckles while smirking slightly.

You stare at him with your mouth open a little.

"Sweetheart, your gonna catch flies." He stands in front of you and gently pushes your mouth closed.

"You- and them- and I- you big goofball!" You giggle, and slap his arm.

"Goofball? Isn't that Mikey?"

You roll your eyes and push him back a little.

"Your red hair compliments your eyes, Hot Stuff."

He throws his head back as he laughs, and laces your hand with his. You giggle and kiss him. He smiles into the kiss when you pull away suddenly and eat your ice cream. He growls and pulls you close for a deep kiss. You smile into it and run a hand through his hair, making him moan and pull you closer by the waist, and you giggle.
The rest of the day was spent sitting and the park bench, kissing in the sunlight.

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