Water War! (Donnie)

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I would recommend headphones for this chapter.

You skipped into the Lair with a slightly weighed down plastic bag in hand. You found six water guns, dirty and worn, and now you couldn't get the thought of a water war out of your head. All you needed was for Donnie to fix the water guns, if he can.
You run into the Lab with the bag slapping against your legs, and when you slow to a stop, the bag rips and the water guns tumble out. Donnie rolls his chair away from the computer screen to see what the rackets all about. He eyes the water guns and looks at you.

"Whats this?" He asks.

"I found these. I was wondering if you could spruce them up and we could have a water war. Please?"

"Eh, maybe. Let me see them."

You smile and gather them up, then hand them to Donnie. He furrows his 'eyebrows' together as he examines them, turning one over, even smelling them.

"I might be able to work with these... but I'll need time, quiet, and a kiss afterwards."

"Deal, good luck Handsome." You giggle and walk out, and then realize the last part, and smile to yourself.

Donnie plans to make the plain, broken water guns into automatic, high tech looking water guns, just for you.

«« 30 minutes later »»

"Oh Y/nnnn! I'm done!" Donnie calls out. You immediately run to the Lab to see what he's done. "This is yours." He smiles, handing you a lump covered in cloth. You frown and unfold it. Looking at it, it looks like it a little ball was covered in metal, and styled to look like a very large rollie pollie. You notice on the side it says..

The ball then starts to glow f/c in the cracks, and it unrolls itself in your hand shaping into a water gun, clicking several times, each time growing larger and larger. You gasp as a holographic targeting system pops out, and a recording of Donnie's voice says 'lock and load.'

"Oh my gosh, Donnie, this is amazing!" You squeal and hug him. He smiles and grabs four more of those little balls.
He hands them to his brothers and their eyes grow wide with excitement as the metal balls turn into guns.

"Time for a Water War!" Donnie exclaims, pulling you to the Lab.
You both set base in the Lab and cover the machinery. You watch as Leo, Raph, and Mikey hold a group meeting and split up.

"Ready?" Donnie shouts.

"Yes!" They all shout back.

"On three. One... two... THREE!"

All the guns play a recording of Donnie's voice saying 'Begin.'
You smile at Donnie and aim your gun at Mikey, who is running around the Dojo not-so-sneakily. You squeeze the trigger, and think you've got him, when at the last minute he jumps and does a flip in mid air, and your water bullet hits the wall. You turn to Donnie and give him a nod before jumping over the barricade. Donnie frowns and presses a button in his gun that no one else has. Everyone freezes when their guns glow their favorite colors and then cold liquid metal crawls up their skin. You let out a gasp and look to Donnie, who is fine and calm, so you let out a breath and try to calm down yourself. When the metal hardens you're all wearing awesome armor, glowing white thru the cracks. The guns make a whirring sound.
'Awesome mode activated.'
You smile like crazy and run to were Raphael is and begin to shoot at him. He is wearing his armor, and it begins to glow red, as yours glows f/c. Raph does a flip and lands with a roll, and shoots at you. The armor whirrs and becomes more flexible, and thinner, almost cloth like, and you flip and leap out of the shower of water bullets. You jump over the barricade in the dojo and leg sweep Raph, then shoot him three times, each time the gun says;
'Armor lair one breached.'
'Armor lair two breached.'
'Armor lair three breached, your dead.'
Raph groans as the metal liquefies and soaks into the gun, which curls up into a ball again. He goes to sulk as you hunt for Leo.
You slowly sneak into the tv area, only to find it empty. You start to exit when Leo yells a battle cry and leaps from the shadows, spamming the trigger. You duck and grab the edge of the couch and do a flip and a twirl in the air, landing on the ground. Then you lay flat on your back and roll under the couch with your arms in an 'x' form on your chest, and pull your gun with you.
Donnie leaps out of the Lab and yells bo staff to the water gun, and it shapes itself into a metal bo staff. Donnie swirls it, and a purple glow trails behind with each turn. Donnie leaps in front of Leo and deflects the water bullets, and they hit Leonardo instead. The armor doesn't even have time to tell him he's out. Leo stands as the armor disappears into the gun and it returns to a ball.
Donnie looks around for you when Mikey attacks, shooting Donnie in the shell four times.

"Aw man, looks like your on your own Baby Doll." Donnie shouts over his shoulder as he runs away. You giggle and roll out from under the couch and run from the water bullets headed your way, and do a flip over a lone skateboard in your path. You turn around and shoot at Mikey, nicking him in the shoulder once.
'Armor lair one breached.'
You ninja roll to the kitchen and grab a sheet pan, deflecting the bullets before shooting back.
'Armor lair two breached.'
You smile as victory becomes a shot away, and make a mad dash for the tv area. Mikey smiles and rains bullets down on you.
'Armor lair one breached.'
'Armor lair two breached.'
You gasp and take cover before taking a moment to look at your gun. You see a switch marked: 'last resort', and switch it. Suddenly your gun becomes a rifle, and you aim at Mikey with the scope.
You pull the trigger..
The long slender water bullet flies thru the air, narrowly missing other, fat bullets, and hits Michelangelo square in the chest.
'Armor lair three breached, your dead.'
'Y/n M/n L/n wins the water war.'
You squeal in delight as the armor melts off of both you and Mikey, returning to the gun as it returns to a ball. Mikey walks over and gives you a high five.

"Great game dudette!" He smiles. You smile back and help clean up after the water war, not noticing Donnie gathering the metal balls and storing them somewhere safe.
When your done cleaning you go to check on Donnie, who is checking the equipment for water damage.

"Is everything good?" You ask. Donnie looks at you and smiles.

"Almost everything." You raise your eyebrow, looking at the machinery.

"Whats not good?"

"You didn't fill your end of the bargain. I asked for time, quiet, and a kiss afterwards."

You smile and kiss him hard, then part to get something to eat.
"Thanks Donnie." You smile.

And that's how your first Water War with Donnie turned out.

(Ok, I might've gone overboard with this.. but I'm keeping it anyway.)

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