He tricks you (Leo)

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Donnatello created the humanizing watches!

Leo walked into the Lab in hopes that Donnie would be there, but, he wasn't. Leo huffed and was about to leave when a shiny silver watch caught his eye. He walked over and put it on, accidentally switching on the humanizing switch. A blue light glowed around him and he gasped. Right then Donnie came in.

"LEO! What are you doing!?" He shrieked, watching as the blue light covered Leo completely.
Leo inhaled a sharp breath as he collapsed to his knees, feeling a tingly sensation all over, his heart was pounding against his rib cage.

"Donnie... what's happening!?" He cried as he barely saw his hands changing thru the blue light.
Finally the tingling stopped, and the blue light faded away. Then Leo let out a earth shaking scream.

"Leo, Leo, listen to me, you put on a humanizing watch."

"A-a what watch?"

"A humanizing watch. Your human now."

"Can I change back!?"

"Yes. Calm down." Donnie rolled his eyes and held out his green three fingered hand for him. Leo took his brothers hand and stood up, examining his five fingered, pale human hand.

"So.. how do I look?" Leo asked.

"Um.. let's see, you're at your normal height, you have black hair, your eye color hasn't changed, and your skin is human, and pale."

"Ok, can I change back now?" Leo looked at Donnie with hopeful eyes. Donnie shook his head and started rummaging through a box.

"When you activated it, your transformation fried the circuits. It needs repair. I should have it fixed by tonight." Donnie then handed Leo a blue shirt and green vest, brown pants and shoes, and underwear. "You should get dressed. Y/n might be scarred for life if she saw you out and about naked." Leo then looked down and his eyes widened, he quickly put on his clothes before anyone saw him.

"Thanks Donnie." He said, handing Don the watch before running out.

You were currently sight seeing with April, and Leo decided to put his new form to use and follow you in the streets, mask off of course. He ducked around businessmen and women with fur coats and finally saw you enter the park. From far behind he saw you and April taking pictures when two boys walked up to you and started flirting. April giggled and flirted back but you waved them off and went to sit on the swings. Leo cautiously walked over and sat by you. You gave him a sideways glance and focused on your phone.

'Why does that boy look so familiar.. especially his eyes.. he's kinda cute... ugh, cut it out Y/n, you can't think that! You have a boyfriend!!'

"Excuse me miss?" The strange boy said to you. You looked over at him and gulped. He seemed so familiar... you strangely felt safe with him, but you tried to ignore it.

"Yes?" You replied with a blank expression.

"I'm sorry to bother you, but, you have the most amazing eyes." The boy tilted his head to the right, making his hair fall over his eyes. He blinked and positioned his head upright, and moved his black hair from his eyes.

"Thank you, but I have a boyfriend, now if you'll excuse me."

"Huh, why isn't your boyfriend here with you?"

"He was busy." You begin to walk off, but the boy runs up and walks beside you.

"Too busy to take a walk with his beautiful girlfriend? Not a very good boyfriend I must say."

"Look, say what you want about Leo, but he's the sweetest person you'll ever meet, and you don't know anything about him. He's strong and brave and loyal, and so much more. And I love him very much. Now if you will please excuse me, I will be leaving."

Leo smiled as you walked off. You thought he was sweet, strong, brave, and loyal. You loved him.
"Ok, I'm going. It was nice to meet you Y/n." He says, then slaps a hand over his mouth as he realizes what he said.

"Wait, how do you know my name!"

"You told me it." Leo shrugs, trying to play it off.

"No I didn't." You say walking over. Leo holds his breath, you look really hot when you're mad.

"Y-yes, you d-did." He gulps as you stand right in front of him with your arms crossed.

"What are you? A stalker? Cause Leo can take you down faster than you can blink, and I can hurt you right now."

"Whoa whoa Y/n, it's ok, no need to hurt me, its me, Leo."

You leaned closer and narrowed your eyes.

"Prove it."

"Ok.. your birthday is (DOB), your favorite color is f/c, you love f/s, your favorite animal is f/a you-"

"Sounds a lot like a stalker. Tell me something only Leo would know."

"Ok.. you're not from this dimension, and we had a water war a while ago, and you traveled somewhere when you fell into the portal in Donnie's Lab. Um.. your nickname is Sugar," he smirked, "mine is Babe. I am a teenage mutant ninja turtle. Is that enough?"

You stood straight and looked him up and down, then nodded, smiling. "Leo, what happened?" You ask.

"I put on a humanizing watch and now I'm a human until Donnie fixes it."

"When will he fix it?"

"By tonight," Leo sighs, "how bad do I look?"

"You look very very hot, Babe." You smile.

He smiles back and you brush some hair away from his face with one hand, and he grabs it, cupping your face with his free hand, and leaned down to kiss you. You smile and run one hand through his black hair, making him sigh, then move your hand to hold his.

"C'mon, April is clearly busy." He says when you both part. You look behind and see April twirling her hair as she talks to the boys. You nod and Leo walks you through the park, which is a new experience for him, seeing the birds out, and the open flowers. By and by you and Leo return to the Lair, and Donnie turns Leo back.


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