Together again

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It was finally over. Master Splinter woke you up and you peeked out, seeing Donnie training. He glances at you and nods. You smile and run out to find Leo in his room. You slowly walk in, remembering what happened that day, and your left hand crosses to your right side as you feel your scar.

"Leo?" You whisper. You see a moving lump on the bed, going up and down like breathing. You move to it and poke it. It groans and rolls over, and you see it's Leo. "Hey Babe."

He freezes and sees you.
"Y/n?" He whispers.
He jumps up and pulls you in a hug, keeping his hands above your waist, pressed on the higher part of your back. He started to cry into your shoulder, and you rubbed his shell, trying to calm him.
"I'm so so sorry Sugar. I don't even deserve to call you that. I didn't- oh Y/n." He mumbled, letting his tears fall on your shoulder. You guided him to the bed and he sat down with you, his hands slid to your waist, and his eyes widened.
"Y-Y/n, what's that?" He breathes, his face is full of pain, pain and regret.
You sigh and turn your back to him, lifting your shirt for him to see. He gasps seeing your scars, and gently pulls your shirt back down.

"It's fine Leo, you didn't mean it, and I forgive you." You smile, cupping his cheek.

"I-I did that to you?" He whispered.
He wasn't crying anymore, he was shocked with guilt. You frowned and grabbed his face gently, pressing a short kiss to his lips. When you pull away he brings you back, pressing multiple kisses to your lips.
"I don't know how your able to forgive me after something like that, but I want you to know I love you, so much." He whispers to you. You hug him and he lays down with you in his tight embrace.

You ran out of Splinters room, and hugged Leo, then Mikey, and even got Raph before you searched for Donnie. He was sitting in the Lab, in the secluded spot where it happened, staring off into space. You walked in, rubbing your scar, and saw Donnie with his shell to you.

"Hey Handsome." You say quietly, making him turn. He runs to you and hugs you, sliding down to his knees and burying his face in your stomach.

"Baby Doll I'm so sorry! I promised you! I promised you and then I broke it! I know you hate me but I need to let you know how sorry I am!" He cried, his tears beginning to dampen your shirt. You knelt down with his arms still around you and hugged him back, kissing his cheek.

"I forgive you Donnie. I forgive you." You whisper to him, and his sobbing soon stops. He nuzzles your left shoulder, taking in your scent, and stroking your hair. He pulls away and looks at you with sad reddish brown eyes, when he spots your scar. Donnie gulps and touches it, noticing the gap.

"What've I done. What'd I do?" He says, staring at your scar. "I did that, I hurt you."

"Donnie, it's ok. I'm fine, it didn't even hurt that much."

He shakes his head, brushing his fingers over it, giving you shivers, and making him retract his hand.
"I-I hurt you." He repeated. You cup his face with your hands and make him look at you, and give him a simple kiss, making him close his eyes and hold you close. You part and he hugs you again.
"I-if you want to breakup I understand."

"What part of that kiss said 'breakup'?" You whispered.

You walked out of the dojo, rubbing your scar on your arm and running your tongue over the scar on your lip. Mikey runs and hugs you, which you gladly return. Mikey tells you where Raph is and you run, finding yourself in his room. His shell is facing you, and he's talking to Spike.

"I finally did it. I scared her. She probably hates me. The one girl that could ever love me, and I scared her off." He cries, and Spike looks at him sadly, then sees you and perks up. You walk over and loop your arms around his neck, leaning over his shell.

"I still love you Hot Stuff. Nothing will change that." You say. He turns around and hugs you tightly, sobbing into your shoulder. You hold him tight as he inhales your scent, and memorizes the feeling of holding you, and the feeling of your hair on his face.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry," he chokes out, running his fingers in your hair, "I love you. I love you so much." He says, and says it ten more times, just because he can. You rock him in your embrace, rubbing his head calmly. Soon he stops crying and just sits there in your arms, rocking to and fro.
"I didn't hurt you, did I Sweetheart?" He said after a while. You shake your head and he pulls away to look at you, and sees your scar on your lip. Raph's eyes widen as he touches it gently, and his eyes start to water.
"Sweetheart, I- oh my gosh." He whispers, and hides his face in your shoulder.

"Raphie, I'm ok, please don't cry." You whisper to him. His hands start slide from your shoulders to your hands, then his right hand stops at your other scar.

"Another scar. I don't deserve to hold you." He looks at you with sad eyes, making you frown and kiss him gently.
Raph finally relaxes, and looks at your scars, tracing his finger over it lightly, and gives it a small kiss, and gives your lips several tender kisses.

"I'm sorry Sweetheart, I'm so.. (kiss).. so.. (kiss).. sorry.. (kiss)."

"It's ok Hot Stuff," you reply quietly, "I'm ok."

You walk out and into the dojo, giving Raph a small smile as you look for Mikey. You find him in his room, staring at your favorite kind of pizza in his hand. You walk up and take it, moving to sit in front of him. He looks at you and his eyes widen at your scar on your cheek. With his mouth opened you take the opportunity to eat some of the pizza and then feed it to him. He chews and swallows, then pushes the pizza away and hugs you.

"Hey, hey, Gummy Bear, it's ok. I'm fine." You whisper as he cries silently on your shoulder.

"I-I'm s-sorry, Gumdrop," he hiccups, sounding like his throat was raw from crying, "I-I didn't k-know what I w-was doing."

You kiss his cheek, and let a few tears slide down yours. "It's ok, Mikey, I forgive you, I forgive you baby. Stop crying, please Mikester, I don't like it when you cry." You whisper to him, and he hugs you tighter.

He parts from you with red eyes, and runs his finger on your scar.
"I did that to you?"

"I-I had to knock you out, and I hit you with a lamp, and a piece cut me. I'm ok though." Mikey smiles sadly and kisses your scar, then your lips.

"I'm so sorry Gumdrop." He whispers again.

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