Mini Series #8: Kidnapped

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Three weeks later, the girls are walking down the street together, talking about current events

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Three weeks later, the girls are walking down the street together, talking about current events. All the girls have a special glow to them, with a skip in their step, and a twinkle in their eye. If you didn't know them, your first thought would be four lovesick girls. Well, you'd be right. Partly.
Walking past a dark alley, they are pulled in by strong arms, rough hands covering their mouths. L/g sees him first, her l/g/e/c eyes bulging out in horror. Shredder walks forward and scans her over, then chuckles evilly.

"So, you are the young ladies that stole my arch nemesis's hearts. I honestly expected better. When the turtles discover that you're missing, they will be worried sick, won't they." Shredder cackles. While he's giving his little speech, the girls hide their rings, managing to slip them in their pockets.

Shredder nods, and four Foot ninja walk forward and press clothes to the girls nose and mouth. They quickly pass out, and are thrown over the ninja's shoulders, headed towards Shredders secret lab.


"What!? No no no! Not now! Stupid Shredder, and his stinkin' evil plans." I hurriedly move my hands to change the view, showing the turtles rushing about madly.

"They promised they'd be back 2 hours ago! We have to find them!" Leo grabs his katana, but in his rushed state he doesn't notice a pair of nunchucks, and trips on them. "MIKEY!"

"M/G?!" Mikey responds, peeking out of his room. Not seeing her, he runs out and grabs his weapons that took down Leo, helping him up. "When are we going? M/g hasn't called or anything, I'm this close to going out there alone!" Mikey pinches his fingers together, and Leo begins to answer, but Raph cuts him off.

"Don't leave me out! R/g wouldn't be out this late with out saying."

Donnie walks out with a focused expression, placing his bo staff on his shell.

I sigh and rub my eyes.

"Ok, it's now or never."

I lift my hands above my head, and the Void shifts, now washing over me, sending me to the turtles. I appear in between all four of them, and they jump in fighting stance, weapons ready.

"Who are you?!"

"How'd you get here!?

"Why're you here?!"

"Did you take the girls!?"

I thrust my hands up, and a blackish transparent bubble surrounds me. Then nine bright lights escape my palms, and four enter the turtles heads, one travels to Splinter, and the other four disappear to the girls.

"Wait.. Gypsy?" Donnie realizes first, lowering his staff and relaxing. The others do the same, and Splinter walks out. The bubble around me dissolves, and I bow respectively to Master Splinter.

"Shredder has the girls. I don't know what he's gonna do, but you can be sure that it'll be bad. I came back to help." I explain, nervously tangling my fingers together.

"But.. why did we forget? It's not easy to forget the girl that sheltered our girlfriends." Raph questions, furrowing his 'brow'.

"I made you forget. You had to. If not, then... the girls wouldn't be able to go on, they'd slowly fade away, in a different sense. But I never really left. I've been checking in on you every now and then."

The boys blush intensely, and I look around confused.
"Did I miss something?"

"Y-You don't know?" Donnie stutters, gulping.

"Know what? Did something happen?" I smirk, glancing at the boys.

"Hey Mikey, why're you blushing?" Raph questions, and all eyes turn to the youngest, who is as red as a tomato.

"No.. no way!" I giggle, clapping my hands. "I can't believe it!"

"Shut up. Now how'll we get the girls back?" Raph grunts, glaring at me.

I clap my hands together and rise in the air, crossing my legs and closing my eyes. When I open my eyes, they glow, and I see the girls thrown roughly into separate cells. Shredders cackle echos through the receivers, and my eyes water seeing the girls strapped to tables, needles and tubes injected in them. Blue lights scan the girls, and various tests are conducted on them. They scream in pain before passing out, and I snap out of my trance, not able to watch any more. Mikey catches me as I fall, and tears blur my vision.

"Well?" Raph rushes, crossing his arms. Donnie punches his shoulder.

"Give her a moment. Yeesh."

"S-Shredder is experimenting on them.. I-it's terrible. They're somewhere in a-a secret lab." I choke out, trying to regain my composure.

"Well then, we better start searching. A secret lab, there must be secret sewers." Leo directs. I nod and rub my arm, sitting on the couch for a moment. I should've done something, now they're being hurt. I look up to see the girls memories drifting back to me, floating in the palm of my hand. I crack a small smile and close my fist, looking around for one of the boys.

"Donnie!" I call, running over and showing him the four memory lights in my hand.

"Pretty." He murmurs.

"Yeah, and one of these is D/g's. If I send these out again, we could follow them, and possibly find the girls!"

Donnies eyes grow wide, and he smiles, running in to his Lab and gathering things.

"Lets go tell the others!" He calls, running past me.

(Hi, just a quick notice: I will be changing my username to GH-325_12_MarvelGirl, if I can. That is all.)

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