He tricks you (Donnie)

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Key: F/b is favorite book.

Donnie was in his Lab, putting the finishing touches on his humanizing watch. He had been working on it for weeks now, and he sure that today is the day.
Standing in front of a mirror, he puts the watch on and presses the switch. Purple light envelopes him, and he feels tingly, his heart is beating fast. After several minutes the purple light fades away and he looks in the mirror. His mouth forms an 'o' as he cautiously feels his brown hair, and touches his face.

"I'm human.. I'm actually human!" He smiles, and looks at his hands. "Wait till Y/n sees this!"

He throws on a purple short sleeved shirt and a green vest with brown pants and shoes, and stuffs his mask in his pocket. He runs out and climbs out if a grate in an alleyway, stands and brushes off his pants before walking out amongst the crowd of people in the streets. He easily finds you in a coffee shop with April, sitting at a window seat alone with a book. Donnie walks in, having to duck under the door frame, and sees April flirting with the cashier. He walks over to were you are and sits across from you. You don't look up from your book and Donnie clears his throat. You glance at him and show a half smile before continuing to read. Donnie glances at the title and strikes a conversation.

"F/b huh? I have that too. Read it twice." He smiles. You lower you book and take a sip of your coffee, knowing you'll have to talk to this tall muscular boy.

"Cool. I've read it five times." You smile. The boys reddish brown eyes widen as he brushes some of his brown hair from his face.

"Wow, hardcore." He chuckles, "my name is Don." Don sticks his hand out. You take it and shake, then take another sip of your coffee.


"Nice name." Don watched you sip your coffee again. "Hey Y/n, did you know that coffee is a brewed drink prepared from roasted coffee beans, which are the seeds of berries from the Coffea plant. The plant is native to subtropical Africa and some islands in Southern Asia. The plant was exported from Africa to countries around the world and coffee plants are now cultivated in over 70 countries, primarily in the equatorial regions of the Americans, Southern Asia, India, and Africa. The two most commonly grown are the highly regarded arabia, and the less sophisticated but stronger and more hardy robusta. Once ripe, coffee beans are picked, processed, and dried. Dried coffee beans are roasted to varying degrees, depending on the desired flavor. Roasted beans are ground and brewed to produce coffee as a beverage."

You sat there with your mouth agape, and blink. Don chuckles nervously as a blush claims his milky cheeks.

"S-sorry." He mutters, looking at the table.

"Wow, you almost outranted my boyfriend." You chuckle.

"Oh. He must be nice. What does he rant about? Sports?" You shake your head and play with the corner of your napkin.

"He's a scientist, he's really smart, and tall, and strong, and handsome, and sweet, and- oh, sorry, now I'm ranting." You smile.

Donnie chuckles. "You love him. I can tell."

"Yeah, very much. I don't know what I'd do without him." You giggle, and look at your hands. Donnie smiles and pulls out his mask, then puts it on.

"Thanks Baby Doll." Your head whips up and you gasp. "I love you too." He tilts his head to the side adorably, and you blush.

"D-Donnie?" You gasp, and slap his arm gently. "You little stinker!" Donnie laughs and moves to sit next to you, taking a sip of your coffee.

"Mmm, good choice Baby Doll." He then kisses your lips, tasting like coffee. You smile and Donnie puts one hand behind your neck, deepening the kiss. You run your hand through his brown hair and he emits a small moan. When you finally part you lean against his shoulder and he wraps an arm around your shoulders. You spent the day showing Donnie New York in the daylight.

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