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Leo pulls you to a cover, moving it away, revealing the dark sky. You climb up first, then Leonardo. A breeze flows through and you shiver, rubbing your arms for warmth. Leo notices and picks you up, holding you close as he climbs a building. You bury your face in his neck and listen to his nearly silent footsteps, patting against the roof surface.
Soon he stops on a building and sets you down, walking to the fire escape. You follow him to a window where he taps on the glass. A red head opens the window, smiling brightly.

"Hi Leo! Who's this?" She asks, looking to you.

"A friend. Her house was destroyed, and I was wondering if she could stay here?"

"Oh totally! I'll get some blankets and pillows. Come on in." She chirps, running around the room.

Leo slips in and hold his hand out, which you take, and climb in yourself. You're in April O'Neils room. What the heck!?
April pulls out an air mattress, starting up the machine to fill it up, and pulled out various blankets and pillows.
Leo stood there awkwardly, and so did you, so you side stepped beside him, just to be safe. Leonardo looked at you and smiled softly.

"Y'know, I never got your name."

"O-oh, you didn't? Wow. Sorry, my name's Y/n."

"Thats a beautiful name, Y/n." He smiled, making you blush.


"Ok! I'm done!" April announced, and just in time. You smiled at the bed, covered in pillows and blankets.

"Thanks April, it looks great."

"No prob, uh..."


"Oh, cool! Are you hungry? I've got some pizza that need eating!"

"Uh, ok, sure." You smile.

April skips down the stairs, leaving you and Leo alone. You turn to him and smile.

"Thanks Leo, you didn't have to y'know." He smiles and hugs you.

"It's nothing, Y/n.. sleep well." He glances outside, "I have to go. Tell April I said bye." You nodded and parted, heading downstairs as Leonardo climbed out the window.

Donnie carries your sleeping figure to April's, tapping on her window. April opens it quickly, smiling wide.

"Hey Don, what up?"

"I-I need a favor. Her home is gone, I was wondering if she could stay here.. if not I understand."

"Oh no no, it's fine, bring her in, we'll set her up on the couch."

Don smiled and climbed in carefully, being sure not to bonk your head on anything.
April set up the couch with blankets and pillows, stepping aside for Donnie. He gently placed you down, but once you left his warmth you jolted awake.

"What! Who? Where! Why? How! Who?" You freaked out, looking around.

You saw Donnatello looking concerned at you, and you calmed down. Sorta.

"Oh no, oh no, my-my-my house... I-I-I, oh boy.." You breathe, clutching your chest.

Donnie holds your shoulders and makes you look at him.
"Hey, you're ok, you're safe. There's no need to be worried. Ok?" You nod and gulp, leaning back.

"Where am I?" You ask, looking around again.

"My house!" April pipes up, peeking out from behind Don.

"Oh crud!" You screech, falling off the couch.

April giggles rudely as Don picks you up.

"Hey April, can you get a glass of water please?" He says politely, though facing you, he's clearly upset.

"Okie dokie!" She chirps, skipping to the kitchen.

Don looks to see she's gone, then turns to you, smiling. You smile back, happy that he's here.

"You know, I never got your name. I've just been calling you miss." He points out.

"Oh! Sorry! My name is Y/n." You smile, sticking out a hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you sir." You say in a posh voice.
Donnie chuckles and shakes your hand when April comes in.

"Here ya go!"

"Thanks April. Here, you need to hydrate." You nod and guzzle down the water.

Donnie stands and says goodbye, and April goes to bed, leaving you to fall asleep at a painstakingly low speed, your thoughts on Donnie.

You stopped crying a while after Raph helped you. Now he was setting you down on a buildings fire escape, tapping on a window.
April opened it immediately.

"Hi Raph. Who's she?" She asked. Way to get to the point.

"A friend. She needs a place to stay. Would ya mind?" April shrugs and moves away, letting you and Raph climb in.

April disappears in her closet, leaving you and Raph to talk.

"Thanks, for this. You didn't have to." You said quietly.
Raph grunted and crossed his arms.

"Ya think I'd just leave you there?" You chuckle and nod, grasping your arm.

"Hey, now that I think about it, you never told me your name." He chuckles, leaning closer to you.

"I-Its Y/n.." You mumble.


"My name is Y/n." You say a little louder.
He nods and stands straight.

"Nice name."


"Well, I've got patrol soon, so I'll see ya later. K?" You nod and smile at him.

Just before he leaves he looks at you helping April pull out blankets. He smirks, then jumps to the next roof.

You giggle as Mikey leaps over roof tops with you in his arms. The wind was whipping your hair and brushing your face, leaving your cheeks nice and rosy.
Mikey stopped on a roof and set you down, running to the fire escape. You stood on the roof waiting until Mikey's head popped up.

"C'mon dudette!" He smiled.

You smiled and walked to him, climbing down. Before you climbed through the window, Mikey gently held your arm.

"What's your name?"

"I haven't told you?" He nodded. "Oh.. its Y/n."

"Cool name dudette!" You smiled and climbed in, along with Mikey.

He grabbed your hand and dragged you downstairs, and lets your hand go, walking up to a red head.

"April, Y/n, Y/n, April." He said, gesturing to you both.
You smiled and gave a small wave.

"Hi, nice to meet you!" April chirped, grabbing three slices of pizza and handing it to Mikey.

"Mikey said you need a place to crash."

"Yeah, I suppose so."

"Cool, the couch is real comfy, and I'll get some pillows and blankets too." You nod and glance at Mikey, happily eating the pizza.

"Mmm, dudette, you've got to have a slice, it's awesome!" He exclaimed, holding out a slice for you.
You giggled and walked up to him, taking a bite. Some grease dribbled down your chin, and Mikey handed you a napkin.

"Well, I better go. My bros will be getting worried. By Y/n! Bye April!" Mikey said, giving you a quick hug.
You waved goodbye as Mikey left, and grabbed another piece of pizza.

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