You fight

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"Y/n, you're not going on missions, and that's final!" Leo says, raising his voice a tad. You frown and march up to stand in front of him.

"Why? So I can sit around the Lair, missing out on the action? I want to be out there with you, fighting bad guys!" You stare straight at Leo.

"No, I would rather you be bored then be put in harm's way." He crosses his arms and glares at you.

"Leo, why are you acting like this? What's wrong with me fighting alongside you? Your being a real jerk!" You shout at him, making him flinch. You storm out, not bothering to wipe the tears that ran down your cheeks. You run to your shared room and slam the door shut, leaving Leo in the dojo.
Leo throws his arms in the air and goes to meditate.

"Leonardo!" Master Splinter calls from his room. Leo gulps and walks in.

"Yes, Master Splinter?"

"I heard of your argument with Y/n. Do you wish to talk?" Leo nods and sits across from his father. "When you're ready, my son."

Leo sighs. "I overheard Y/n talking with Raph, saying something about going topside with us, and I confronted her, told her that I don't want her to. She asked why and I told her because I said so. Then she got upset and we started yelling, she called me a jerk and stormed off." Master Splinter nods. "I don't know why I did it, I just, I don't want her to get hurt." Leo holds his face in his hands and sighs. Master Splinter pats his shell.

"There there, my son. Being in a relationship is difficult, but I believe you and Y/n were meant for each other. Go to her." Leo nods and bows quickly before running to you.

He opens the door silently and sees you laying on your side awake, staring off into space. He immediately regrets shouting at you, seeing your red eyes. He walks over and lies beside you, pulling you close.

"I'm so sorry Y/n. I didn't mean to tell at you. I was worried. I don't want you to get hurt, I was scared." He whispers, and let's a few tears fall. You turn to face him, and wipe away his tears.

"Please forgive me Sugar." He says, resting his forehead on yours.

"I forgive you, Babe. I'm sorry for shouting too. I didn't mean it when I said your a jerk. Your perfect. And I love you." Leo smiles and strokes your cheek before kissing you lovingly.

"I love you too Y/n, but seriously, you're not going on missions."

You sighed and nodded, "fine."

You and Donnie were doing experiments in the Lab when something blew up in your face. You were fine, but Donnie was freaking out.
You were currently sitting on the kitchen counter while Donnie treated the small cut on your arm.

"Donnie, I'm fine, you can stop worrying." You say as he puts a bandaid on your cut. "C'mon, let's go experiment again." You smile and jump off the counter when he grabs your hand.

"Y/n.. I- I don't want you to be in the Lab anymore.. for your safety."

Your eyes widen as you pull your hand from his.
"Why would you say that?" You say, "it's just a cut. Why can't I be in the Lab with you?" You say, your voice cracking slightly from the tears bubbling up. You swallow the lump in your throat as your sadness boils to anger, and you let a few tears slip away as you frown at Donnie.

"I just want you to be safe, that's all. Please understand, I just want to protect you."

"Oh I understand. I'll just sit around and do nothing, like a good girlfriend, cause that's what you want." You snap, and storm off. Donnie tries to call after you but you ignore him and run to your destination.

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