Lab Accidents (Leo)

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"Guys!" Donnie screamed from his lab.

You and Leo jumped off the couch and ran to him, gathering with the others in front of a very excited Donnatello.

"I just did something brilliant!" He exclaims, smiling brightly.

"Oh yeah, what? Figure out how deep Mikey's stomach is?" Raph smirked, making Mikey chuckle.

"No. I made a gateway to another dimension!" Donnie says, gesturing to the purple glowling portal behind him.

"Does it work?"

"I'm going to test that out right now." Donnie says, grabbing a robot with a camera on it.

Don makes the robot walk thru the portal, and you all turn to the camera feed. You see a bright light, and then a messy couch, and a green foot smashing the camera and the robot.

"It worked!" Donnie exclaims, running around with his arms in the air.

You step closer to examine it, looking at the frame, and the purple glowing light, when Donnie crashes into you, making you fall in.

"Y/N!" Leo calls, but it's too late.

You've traveled to the new dimension, and the portal malfunctions and shuts down.

Your P.O.V
I scream as I fall faster and faster and faster, until I stop, feeling arms holding me. I open my eyes and see Leo looking at me concerned.

"Oh, thanks Babe. I guess Don didn't build a gateway to another dimension, he must've made a teleporter." I sigh as he sets me down.

"Um, do I know you?" He asks, looking at you confused.

"Haha Leo, very funny. Now c'mon, I wanna see how that movie ends!" I giggle, pecking his cheek before pulling him to the couch.

But instead he pulls me to the Lab and sets me down in a chair, much to Donnie's surprise.

"Uh, Leo, please tell me you didn't kidnap this girl."

"No, she appeared in that portal from earlier, and called me babe, and kissed my cheek!"

"Wait a minute, you mean to tell me the portal WORKED!?" I say, jumping up suddenly. "Oh no, that means that you really don't know me, and my Leo is probably freaking out, and about to kill Donnie! I've gotta get back!" I pace around, beginning to freak out.

"Whoa, calm down miss. I'm sure your Leo will get you back in a jiff. So what are we? Friends? Best friends?"

"Hehe, um, I'm kinda your girlfriend." I say hesitantly.
Leo jumps back and knocks over some empty vials.

"Hey, careful Leo!" Donnie says, picking them up.

"Y-your my girlfriend?"

"Yeah, hence me calling you 'babe'." I say, stepping forward to him. "Are you ok?"

"Y-yeah, why wouldn't I be? I just found out that another version of me is dating a beautiful girl, and that girl has somehow traveled here, why wouldn't I be ok?!" He says, clearly freaking out. I chuckle and take his hand.

"C'mon, I know how to calm you down."

He stops moving, and his face turns a pale green.

"We're going to sit down and watch Space Heros. What'd ya think?"

"N-nothing." He mutters, walking to the couch. I start the movie and sit next to him, taking his hand. "S-so, what's your name?" He asks.

"Its Y/n."

"Y/n, that's a nice name." He whispers, thinking. "So, um, Y/n, if you don't mind me asking, how far have we gone in our relationship?"

"Um, we had our first date, you asked me to be your girlfriend, and first kiss, but that's about it." I say, rubbing my arm.

"You do look kinda familiar, especially your eyes."

I look at him and smile, making him smile too. He turns off the tv and faces me, wanting to talk more.

"So, um, you call me babe?"

"Yeah, and you call me sugar." He nods and looks at me  before tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Yeah.. You do look very familiar.." I blush when he looks at me, even if we're dating, he still can make me blush.

"Hey, Y/n? Are you ok?"

I nod and smile at him.

Donnie walks by slowly, his eyes on his t-phone, when a girl suddenly appears, screaming, and lands in his arms. She has (Donnie's/girls/hair/color) hair, that is (Donnie's/girl/hair/length), and (Donnie's/girl/eye/color) eyes.

"Donnie?" She mumbles. Needless to say, Donnie was freaking out.

Hi! I'm writing this, a little mini series called, 'Lab Accidents'. I hope you enjoy!

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