He's jealous

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LeonardoIt was late at night, you and Leo were enjoying a midnight picnic

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It was late at night, you and Leo were enjoying a midnight picnic. When you heard footsteps clomping up the fire escape, Leo slipped into the shadows and you hid his dishes so it looked like you were eating alone. You look towards the ladder and see a boy peeking over, 15 or 16, with long shaggy brown hair. Seeing you, his green eyes lit up, and he strutted, yes, strutted over to you. 

"Hey, you eating alone?" You nod shyly. "Mind if I join you?" 

You don't speak when you see Leo towering behind the boy, burning holes into the back of his head. The boy sees you looking somewhere else, and turns around, immediately cowering in fear. 

"Boo." Leo smirks, and the boy screams, running down the stairs, only to run into a wall. You smile up at Leo, and he puts away the food, keeping quiet. 

"You were jealous." You giggle as you walk through the sewers to the Lair. 

"Was not. A leader nor a ninja can allow petty emotions like jealously to over come them." He states firmly, wrapping an arm around you. 

"Was too. I could see it in your eyes." You chuckle, stopping to look up at him. He sighs and rests his forehead on yours. 

"Fine. I was a little jealous. Just don't tell anyone. Ok?" Leo pleads, staring at you with big blue puppy eyes. 

"Ok. And by the way, it was kinda hot." You smirk, kissing him before walking into the Lair. Leo stares at your retreating figure, in a daze as he replays what you just said. 


You were at the library, looking for some good books for you and Donnie. The new librarian walked up to you and struck a conversation, dropping small flirtatious marks here and there, but you didn't notice. Around the corner, Donnie was listening, in human form. Rage was bubbling up as he heard more obvious flirts from the boy. Finally he couldn't take any more, and ran up behind you. 

"Hey Baby Doll, I found it!" He smiles, holding up a random book as you turn around to see him. 

"Donnie! What are you doing here! I thought you had training!" You smile, hugging him. 

"We ended early, so I thought you and I could get some food. Unless," he looks at the boy, who shrinks back at Donnies cold glare. "You're busy." 

"No, I'm all free." You turn to the boy and smile, thanking him for the book suggestions and walking out with Donnie, who places an arm around your waist protectively. 

"Were you jealous?" You smile as he looks for a place to eat. Donnie looks up from his t-phone and glances at you, swallowing nervously. 

"I-I-I don't know.. maybe. H-He was flirting with you! I had to do something." He defended, crossing his arms over his chest. You rolled your eyes and kissed him tenderly, then got up and started walking to your favorite restaurant. 

"I know a place this way. C'mon Handsome!"

Donnie grinned and caught up with you, kissing your cheek and wrapping an arm around your shoulders. 

Casey Jones. Why in the wide world would Raph be jealous of him? Because Casey made you laugh, momentarily. 

When you were reintroduced to Casey, you knew by the way he looked at you that Raph might have a problem, just not so soon. 

You were talking to M/g on the couch, when Casey sat beside you, and M/g scurried away. You sighed and switched on the tv, trying to ignore Caseys disturbing gaze. After about 15 minutes, you finally cracked and looked at him. 


"Are you tired?" 


"Cause you've been running through my mind all day." Casey smirked, and you just groaned. He gave you several more pickup lines, the last two making you giggle, mostly at how bad he was at pickup lines. You got tired of his flirting, so you headed to the kitchen to make some food. But Casey wasn't giving up, and followed you. Raph was watching the entire thing, and had decided how to make his message clear as he stomped over. Grabbing you, he planted a kiss to your lips, then turned to glare at Casey. 

"She's mine." Was all he said, but Casey got it, raising his hands in a surrendering gesture and leaving. 

"Oh my gosh, you were jealous!" You smirk, leaning on the counter as Raph glanced at you. 

"Was not." He grumbled, pulling you in for another kiss. 

"You so were. I could tell from that kiss." You giggle. Raph grunts and kisses you again, hoping you'll drop the subject. 

"Yeah, yeah, so what? Nothing to get worked up about." He mutters, and you giggle at him. 

Mikey didn't really understand jealousy until now, while watching you admire another boys skateboard. When the boy leaned in for a kiss that neither of you expected, Mikey ran out of the shadows (in human form) and pulled you away, giving you a peck on the cheek. 

"That's my girlfriend you were about to kiss." Mikey growls, making the boy shrink back and leave. He takes you back to the Lair, still a little steamed at that boy. When you get to his room he flops on the bed and pulls you down, snuggling close. 

"Mikey, whats up?" You question as he presses his lips to your cheek. 

"I'm mad. Not at you, Gumdrop, at that boy. For trying to kiss you. I don't like him."  

You chuckle and kiss him back, then lay back on your pillow. 

"Somebody's jealous." You reply in a singsongy voice. 

"Who?" Mikey inquires. You giggle and kiss his beak before falling asleep with him.

(Yeah, ok. Maybe a little lame, but I'm satisfied. And sorry it's kinda short, gosh, only 961 words.)

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