You visit

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After moving in with April you found a job, and had your sights on a small apartment space.

It was a nice day, until it started to POUR.
You were currently lounging around in a t-shirt with jeans and socks.
April had to run some stuff down to the Lair and asked if you wanted to come.
It was raining.
You where bored.
April was offering to take you to the Lair.

"Sure, why not?" You smiled, pulling your sneakers on.

You carried one of the pizza boxes as April removed the cover and climbed down. Then you handed the pizza to her and climbed down yourself.
April showed you little land marks, or, sewer marks, to tell you if you're getting close. You soon arrived at the entrance, and watched in awe as the wall opened up, revealing the entrance to the Lair!

You walked in, looking all around. You gasped seeing Leo training in the dojo, and watched silently.
He was doing a very difficult kata, and watching made you feel honored.
He moved with grace and precision, landing his strikes with full power, blowing you away.
Once he was finished you sneaked out and went to see what April was doing.

"Hey Y/n, This is-"

"Raphael, Donnatello, and Michelangelo. Nice to meet ya!" You smile.
They look at you dumbfounded, then Mikey smiles.

"That was awesome dudette! Wanna slice?"

"Sure, thanks." You smile, taking a bite out of a slice of pizza.

"Hey Leo! Come get a slice before Mikey eats it all!" April calls behind you.
Leo walks past you, accidentally brushing his arm against your shoulder. He takes two slices and stands by you, eating slowly. Soon the others are finished and go to do their own things. You offered to clean up, so it was just you and Leo, because he decided to hang around.

"So, how was I?" Leonardo said out of the blue. You where currently washing the dishes.

"Come again?"

"How was I with my kata. I'm a ninja, I knew you where there."

"Oh.. y-you were g-good." You gulp, scrubbing and rinsing a plate.

Leo smiles and grabs a dish towel, drying the clean and wet dishes.
A few moments of awkward silence pass, then Leo speaks.

"Are you all settled in?"

"Hmm? Oh, yeah. I got a job, and I found an apartment that I hope to get."

"Thats good. April giving you any trouble?"

"Nah, she's, ok. Very peppy, I must say." You giggle, washing the last dish.

You wash out the sink and put away the food with Leo's help, then throw away the trash.

"Thanks for helping. You've been doing that a lot lately." You smile, leaning on the counter.

"No prob." He yawns and stretches, "I'm gonna hit the hay, but it was nice for you to visit. Wouldn't mind you coming over more often."

"O-oh, ok. Night Leo."

"Goodnight Y/n."

Once Leo is supposedly gone, you turn and facepalm over and over for stuttering. But, Leo forgot something in the kitchen and saw you, thinking it was kinda cute, and forgot about what he was doing.

You wandered around, eventually finding yourself at the Lab. You saw Donnie sitting there, doing his thing, and after a moment, walked in.

"Hey April, what's up?" He said, not looking up.
You tapped his shoulder, and he turned around. "Oh, sorry Y/n, I didn't know you where coming."

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