Mini Series #8: Incredible

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"Well?!" Shredder booms, glaring at two of his Foot ninja with his good eye

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"Well?!" Shredder booms, glaring at two of his Foot ninja with his good eye. One steps forward with the results of the scans. Shredder rips it out of his hands and looks at it, his eyes widening at the images. "Stop all experiments! Return them to their cells, and prep the machine!" He shouts, and his minions scurry off. Shredder cackles, crumpling the paper in his hand and tossing it to the side. "This just gets better and better." 

The crumpled paper drifts away with the wind, falling out of an open window and fluttering to the ground. As it lands on the asphalt, it opens up enough to show the results.

Signs of:

Human chorionic gonadotropin hormone (hCG).

Human placental lactogen (hPL).



Conclusion: Pregnant.

Then the paper is torn to pieces by a car.


The turtles and I follow the memory shards to a distant part of the sewers, then they stick to the ceiling for a moment before falling into my palm.

"What's up there?" I wonder aloud. Raph shoves past me roughly and stares at the ceiling. Leo stands next to me and speaks.

"Sorry about Raph, he's still kinda sour, from you spying on us and all."

"I did not spy on you! I was keeping you safe! If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have a-" I stop mid sentence, and glue my gaze to the dirty sewer floor. "I meant well. I didn't invade your privacy, I promise. If you knew, if you knew what I had seen, you'd understand." I whisper, the horrifying visions flashing before my eyes. They never faded, they were etched in my mind forever.

Leo snorts and begins to walk away.
"We seem to be making a lot of promises now a days."
He moves the manhole cover a few feet away from where the shards led us, and climbs up part way, peeking his head up. Then he climbs back down and replaces the cover. "It's just a drugstore. Too small to be a secret Lab."

I look up, studying the ceiling. Then I look around me, scanning the walls for anything out of place. Off to the side, there's a brick lying on the ground, and a hole in the wall. I walk over and pick it up, running my hands over the hard building material. A strange pattern is on one side, and I squint to see what. It's the Foot clan symbol, and looking at the small hole in the wall, it's there to. I push the brick in place, and a loud click sounds. The boys look to me and I grin as a secret doorway comes to view. We try to enter, but the doorway is booby trapped, and when I step in, a gun fires, the bullet going through my shoulder. I gasp and stumble back, pain shooting through my shoulder and arm. Leo scoops me up and the turtles run back to the Lair, while the Void comes to my aid, placing pressure to my wound in the form of a persons shadow. Tears threaten to spill as Leo places me down in the Lab as gently as possible, and Donnie gets to  work.

"Gypsy, you are very lucky that the bullet went clean through, and didn't hit an artery." Donnie comments while wrapping my shoulder.

"The V-Void.. i-it's been protecting me s-since I l-left." I breathe, gritting my teeth to bear the pain.

"Strange.. what is the Void?"

"I-I'm not sure," I chuckle, "I-it's alive, I know that. I-it talks to me, sometimes.. lets me see how you're doing. Helps me p-protect you." I sigh, inhaling deeply. "I-it's weird, I know."
I look to Donnie, who's staring at the ground in awe. I look down with him and gasp. The Void is surrounding the table I'm on, like a moat, and suddenly wraps around me, molding with my form and shape. It sinks into my skin and clouds my vision, turning my eyes an eerie black, Donnie later tells me.

'Another vision? Will it be as bad as the last one?'

Crackling and distorted whispers answer me, but somehow I understand it, the Void is telling me it's not sure. I take a breath, surrounded by the familiar black, and the vision comes. I cry in shock as it begins, it takes a lot to be able to see the vision clearly, and I never get used to the short sharp pain it causes in my head, or the loud ringing bestowed to my ears.


"B-Baby Doll?"



I begin to cry, and struggle to look away.
'No, stop! I don't want to see anymore!'

"I'm sorry, you must."

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