He's sick

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Leo returns from Patrol, and immediately passes out on his bed next to you. You jump and look at him, snoring softly. You place a hand on his forehead, he has a fever. You sigh and put away your book, then scoot closer to him. He's laying on his plastron, so you put his right arm over your waist and close your eyes. In his sleep, Leo pulls you closer and yawns. You smile and take off his mask, and kiss his warm forehead.

"Night Babe." You whisper, before drifting to sleep yourself.

Donnie returns from Patrol, and runs to the Lab, passing you without a word. You're about to see what's wrong with him when Raph stops you.

"I wouldn't go in there if I were you."

"Why not?" You ask.

"Donnie has a fever, and he thinks it's some kinda of rare disease that will disable him or something." Raph says, rolling his eyes at his brothers paranoia. You furrow your brow and run to the Lab to see Donnie dashing around in a blur, making you dizzy.

"Um, Donnie? You ok?" You ask.
He stops and looks at you, a horrified expression comes to his face, and he pushes you out, trying not to breathe on you.

"Don't come in here! I'm deadly!" he shouts, and turns away from you quickly.
You roll your eyes and duck under his arms, then jump on his back with an amused smile.

"If that were true then I couldn't do this." You giggle and kiss his cheek, and nuzzle his shoulder.

"I'm serious! Ach! Stop! That tickles!" He giggles as you place small kisses on his neck.

"That's what you get for being paranoid!" You giggle again. Donnie tries to reach you and get you off his back, but your too quick, and jump off, running to examine his experiments. "Ooh, what's this Handsome? Oh, and this?" You hold a beaker full of crystal blue liquid, and sniff it. "Donnie, why does this smell like pizza?"

"Y/n, I'm sorry, but you have to leave, I don't want you getting sick!" Don pushes you out with a stern glare. "Please Baby Doll, for me?"

You roll your eyes and sigh, "ok fine, but only because your so adorable," you turn to leave, then add, "and you owe me cuddles."

You jumped when Raph groaned and plopped on the couch next to you, wrapping his muscular arms around your waist.

"Hey... Sweetheart.." He mumbles, burying his face in the crook of your neck. "You smell nice.." he whispers against your skin, making you shiver. You smile and feel his forehead.

"You're warm Hot Stuff."

"No I'm.. not, I'm cold.." He shivers and grabs the blanket on the arm of the couch, draping it over you both.
"Will you keep me.. warm.. Sweetheart?" He mumbled, his tired state made you smile.

"C'mon, let's get you to bed." You giggled, and pulled him up by his arm. He smiled as you held his hands, pulling him to bed. You finally got him tucked in when he grabbed your waist and pulled you down with him.

"You're so sweet, Sweetheart. And your scars makes you look bad@$$. I don't know what I'd do without you," he says, sleepily kissing your neck, "the first time I met you, I thought you were hot, well I still do, and sassy, basically a female human version of me." He chuckles.

"Raphie, I think your kinda delusional. Go to sleep Hot Stuff."

Raph smiled and placed his lips on your neck, then gave you a raspberry. You squealed and squirmed in his embrace, making him smirk and continue to give you raspberries on your neck.

When he finally stops he had a triumphant grin, and settles down.
"I've always wanted to do that," he yawns, and snuggles close to you, "I.. love you.. Y/n.." He said, before burying his head in your neck and falling asleep.
You blush and kiss his cheek while removing his mask, and he smiles in his sleep.

"YYYY/NNNN!" Mikey called, returning from Patrol. You run out thinking he was hurt. When you got to him, you bent over with your hands on your thighs.

"Mikey," you pant, "are you.. ok?" You gulp and stand, seeing Mikey with a blanket, and Donnie handing him a bowl of soup.

"I want my pretty girlfriend." He said with the saddest puppy eyes you ever saw. It was like a magnetic force pulled you to Mikey, but you didn't mind. He opened his blanket and you snuggled up next to him.

"How are you so convincing?" Leo mumbles, setting down a plate of crackers for his soup.

"I don't know," Mikey smiles and shrugs, wrapping and arm around you, "maybe Y/n knows."

"Oh, don't look at me! I'm as clueless as you guys." You smile, munching a cracker. Mikey chuckles, then it turns to coughs, and he sips Donnie's special tea.

"Gumdrop, I'm cold." He whines, making your roll your eyes.

"Eat your soup ya goof ball." You smile. He hands you the spoon and you get the idea, and start feeding him the soup. "Your such a baby." You mutter after he eats it all.

"But I'm your baby." He chuckles.

"Oh stop with the sappy lovie dovie stuff." Raph groans.

"Oh hush Mr Grumpy Pants." You counter, making Raph raise an 'eyebrow' at you.

Mikey wraps the blanket tighter around you and kisses your nose.

"No! Ew, now I'll get sick!" You whine.

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