Meanwhile.. (All)

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Leo started freaking out, pacing, and giving Donnie a death glare. If looks could kill..
Leo had no idea what to do, but he would do anything to bring your beautiful face back. Anything.

He froze for five minutes, shocked. Then he threw the skateboard at Mikey and started working on bringing you back. Whatever the cost.

Raph was fuming, steam was coming out of his nostrils. He tackled Leo, saying that he would throw him in himself if they didn't get you back. Yeah, he was really mad.

When you fell in and the portal closed, Mikey tackled Raphael, and when Raph finally got him off, he collapsed on the couch and cried into a pillow.
Naturally, Donnie set to work for his brothers sake, while Mikey sat slumped on the couch, with Raph waving pizza around his face.

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