When your healed, and its almost time

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There were five days left in the month, and then you could see t/n again. Master Splinter and you had gotten to know each other better in these 3 1/2 weeks. Master Splinter helped you learn to mediate, and in return you cooked for him, even if he didn't want you to.

Your back was finally healed, and from what Splinter said, it looked pretty cool. It started from the middle of your back, and went down to the right side of your waist.

You were meditating in the corner while Splinter made dinner, when someone knocked on the door. You shot your eyes open, but Master Splinter gave you a reassuring look and opened the door just a crack. Leo was outside. Master Splinter later explained that at the very end of Mating Season, the turtles became more restrained, and they gave Master Splinter food or water if he needed it.

"H-hi Master Splinter, do you need anything?" You heard Leo say. You were about to call him, but Master Splinter looked at you sternly before replying.

"Water, and some ramen. Thank you Leonardo."

Leo turned to leave, then turned back and blocked the closing door with his hand.
"Um.. is Y/n ok? I-is she in there?" He asked. You covered your mouth with your hands to silence your answer. Master Splinter coughed to cover up your muffled voice.

"Yes, she is asleep. I will see you soon, my son."

Leo smiled and left, and Master Splinter closed the door. You swallowed and looked at Splinter.

"I'm ok. I'll be fine." You whispered.

Minutes later Leo comes back and passes the food and water, when he sees you. Your eyes meet and his face goes pale green, then bright red. When Splinter has the stuff Leo runs off.

Your 'extreme hickey' was healed, and like Splinter said, it left a scar. Donnie bit you pretty hard, you could even see where his gap was. You often found yourself rubbing it or touching it when you got lost in thought.

Master Splinter already explained what would happen, but the knock on the door still caught you off guard. You were sleeping lightly when it came, and it scared you so bad you jumped up and hid behind Splinter. Splinter pat your head and walked to the door. You stood to the side where they couldn't see you. Donnie was outside.

"Um, h-hello Master Splinter," Donnie said, holding a note pad, "w-what can I get you?"

Master Splinter looked around the room, looked at you, and winked.
"I have been peckish for chocolate. Would that be alright?"

Donnie nodded and wrote something. When Master Splinter started to close the door, Donnie stopped it.

"I um.. i-is Y/n ok?" Master Splinter nodded. "Ok.. t-tell her I said I'm sorry.. please?" Donnie's voice was barely a whisper as he said that.

"Of course." Donnie smiled lightly and left.

Master Splinter turned to you, you were looking at your feet, rubbing you scar absent mindedly.


You looked up at him.

"Huh? Yeah? I-I heard. I'm fine." You smiled at him. "I'm fine."

Several minutes later Donnie comes back with a bowl of multiple chocolates. Master Splinter takes them and moves to put them down, and Donnie sees you gripping your right shoulder, and your eyes meet. Donnie's face goes red and he leaves quickly.

Your lips were a little more sensitive from now on, the cut left a small scar. The bump was gone, and the cut on your arm left a scar too.

Master Splinter was meditating while you took a nap. The knock sounded and you slowly came to when Master Splinter opened the door. It was Raphael.

"Hey Master Splinter, wha-" he trails off when he sees you propping yourself up with your elbow and rubbing your eyes, not yet seeing him. He shuffles back and looks down. "What do ya need?"

Master Splinter frowns in confusion and tells him what he would like. Raph goes to get it as you wake up fully. When he returns he gives Master Splinter the stuff and sees you yawn and stretch, you look to him and your eyes meet. He quickly leaves before you or Splinter sees his oncoming blush.

The cut on your cheek was healed, going from your cheekbone to your jaw. You would catch yourself tracing your fingers on it often.

When the knock came you were dishing rice for Master Splinter and ramen for you. You almost spilled both. Splinter opened the door and Mikey was standing there smiling.

"Hey Master Splinter! What can I get you!" He said cheerfully. Master Splinter ordered the food and Mikey ran to get it. You and Splinter ate, then Mikey came back with his arms full. Master Splinter took it when Mikey saw you eating, your left side was facing him. You glanced at the door and saw him just as Splinter took the last of the supplies. Mikey left before you could blink.

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