Lab Accidents (Mikey)

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You and Mikey were napping on the couch, when Donnie's surprised scream echoed thru the sewers. You and Mikey jumped up and ran to the Lab were the others already were.

"What's going on?" You asked, trying to see over Raph's shoulder. Mikey lifted you to his shoulders so you could see.

"I've created a portal to another dimension, and you're all here to witness the first test." Donnie announced, pushing a remote control car thru the purple portal with a camera.
"Now, we wait."

All eyes were on the tv screen as the static crackles and popped, before the video feed came thru.

"Uh, guys... why is a car driving around the Lair? I'm gonna smash it!"
"No! Mikey, wait!"
And then static.

"Another Mikey! Oh no!" Raph said, eyeing you and Mikey. "We need to destroy that portal!"

"No! Raph, we won't destroy that portal! It took me weeks to create!"

"Ugh, fine." Raph grumbled, leaving with a huff.

Mikey put you down and kissed your cheek before turning to watch tv. You giggled and did the same, but Raphael bumped into you and you tripped, falling backwards and into the portal. You saw Mikey running to you, screaming your name with fear in his eyes. You reached out to grab his hand as he did the same, but you both missed by a hair, your fingertips touching for a millisecond before you were swallowed by the purple substance.

Your P.O.V
I screamed loudly as I kept falling, and falling. I thought my lungs would burst with the amount of screaming I did.
"MIKEY! MIKEY, PLEASE!" I cried, even though I knew he could hear me. Tears ran down my cheeks as my hair whipped around me. I was terrified, what would I hit? At the speed I'm falling at now I could probably die from the impact. Unless someone caught me. But that was improbable.
I felt a cold blast of air, and saw a light. Am I dead? I immediately thought. Then I stopped falling. My hair calmed, but I didn't stop crying.

"Hey, don't cry, please don't cry." A soft voice said, wiping my tears away. I continued to sob, my tears blurring my vision. "Please, I don't like it when people cry."
I finally rubbed my eyes and saw Mikey looking down at me, and I let out a breath of relief.

"M-Mikey, what h-happened?" I sniffed.

"Beats me dudette, you just fell out of a purple portal and I caught you. What's your name?"

"Y-you don't know?" I sniffed again.

"No, should I? Oh, let me guess, your from another dimension! And I know you in that dimension. No wonder you were crying. But it's ok dudette, I have a really smart brother who can take you back."

"Yeah, I know, Donnie."

"Yeah! Now, about your name... No, no, don't tell me, I wanna guess. Um, Sarah? Janelle? Cristina? Y/n? Joyce?"

"Y/n." I giggle.

"Yay! I got it!" He exclaims, throwing me up in the air and catching me again. "C'mon, you've got to meet my brothers!"

Mikey sets me down and pulls me out, only to find each of his brothers with a different girl.

"He does have a girlfriend! It's the end of the world!" Raph cried, running around in circles.

"What?" Mikey asked, very confused.

"Um, Mikey," I say hesitantly, "in the other dimension, I'm uh, your girlfriend. Surprise!"

Mikey looks at me for a moment, then a huge grin spreads across his face as he scoops me up.
"So that's why your so familiar!" He chuckles, spinning me around in a familiar hug.

"Well," one of the girls, I'm guessing Leo's girl speaks, "what do we do now?"

"If Donnie made the portal in the first place," Donnie's girl says, "then this Donnie can do it again." She looks at him with hope, even though he's not really her Donnie, she loves him.

"And what will we do in the mean time?" Raph's girl pipes up.

"Hang out, I guess." I say, shrugging. "This is gonna be interesting."

All the girls nod and sigh.

"Look, you girls seem really cool and stuff, but I think I'll stick with my turtle, even if he doesn't know me." Raph's girl says, rubbing her arms. Raph looks at her sadly, and he hesitantly touches her shoulder, earning a smile from her.

"Yeah, I know what you mean, I'd rather stay with Handsome." Donnie's girl says, showing a small smile to 'Handsome'. Donnie looks at her with a nervous smile.

"Ok, that settles it. We will all stay with our turtles until we can travel back to our dimensions." Leo's girl announces. Leo looks at her with an amused expression.

Yeah, this is gonna be really interesting.

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