He asks

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You giggled as you read a comic book on Leo's bed, waiting for him to return from patrol.
Suddenly he bursts in, looking at you.

"Whoa, Leo, what happened?" You ask, sitting up.

"I have something really important to ask you!" He says, running over and sitting down, gripping your shoulders in the process.

"Ok, what is it?"

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks, looking at you hopefully.

"Of course silly, why wouldn't I?" You giggle, giving him a kiss. "Now come and read with me, you look tired."

Leo smiles and hugs you tight before laying down, falling asleep almost instantly.

"My big baby." You chuckle, kissing his cheek.

You were on the couch finishing a book, while Donnie used your lap as a pillow, snoring softly.
You turned the last page and closed your book, looking at Donnie, resting peacefully.
You lean back and close your eyes, beginning to doze off. You feel Donnie sit up, and you open your eyes to see him right in front of you.

"Hey Don, what's up?"

"I need to ask you something."

"Shoot." You smile.

"Will you be my girl?"

You look at him and smile brightly.

"Yes, of course I will, Donnie!"

Donnie smiles wide and kisses you before laying back down.

"Now I can nap in peace." He whispers.

You yawn and stretch, waking up from a lovely dream.
9:32 am.
You groan and turn to your side, almost asleep, when Raph lifts you up and places you on his lap.

"Raphie, I'm tired." You yawn.

"I told you not to call me that."

"What are you gonna do about it?" You smirk.

Raph smiles and kisses you shortly.

"Be my sweetheart." He whispers.

"Ok." You smile, kissing him again. "Now let me sleep."

Raph chuckles and lays down with you in his arms, holding you close.

"G'night." He whispers.

Mikey sneaks back into the Lab, looking for another folder. The light suddenly turns on, and Mikey sees Don sitting in a chair.

"Donnie, hey."

"Mikey, you snuck into my folder case."

"Y-yeah, but you weren't here! I needed it!"

"Which one did you read?"

"The First Kiss one."

"Already! Wow, you're moving faster than I anticipated. Ok, which one do you want now? The first date one?" Donnie asked, standing to pull out the folder.

"I already did that. And I didn't use the folder!" Mikey smiled, his chest puffing up in pride.

"Where'd you take her?"

"To the fair. It was really fun!"

Donnie rolled his eyes and opened the drawer full of folders for Mikey.

"Which one do you need now?"

"Do you have one for after the first kiss?"

"Yeah, here." Donnie handed him a folder that was unlabeled, and Mikey read thru it quickly.

"Hmm, thanks Don. I'll figure something out."

Donnie chuckled and put the folder away, counting how many left for him.


Mikey found you asleep on the couch with a book in your hand. He smiled and picked you up, carrying you to his bed.
You yawned and stretched in his arms, your eyes fluttering open. You smiled up and Mikey and wrapped your arms around his neck as he set you down, resting his hands on your waist.

"I-is that ok?" He asks. You nod and kiss his cheek before resting your head on his plastron and yawning.

"Whats up Mikester?"

"I um, wanted to ask you something. Let's go somewhere else though." He says, picking you up again.

He sits on the bed and places you in his lap, making you wake up a little more.

"So," you say, yawning and rubbing your eye, "what'd ya need to ask me?"

"Uh, I wanted to ask, would you like to, y'know, be my girlfriend?"

You giggled and leaned on him, now fully awake.

"Yes, I would love to be your girlfriend, Mikey."

Mikey smiles and hugs you tight.


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