He saves you

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It had been at least a week since you saw the strange figures on the roof tops, and you couldn't get them out of your head.

You where walking down the street at night, headphones stuffed in your ears, blocking out the world, as usual.
The streets where deserted, except for a few people.
You walked along, when you sensed something, of course, because you can't walk down the street with out sensing something! Anyway, you looked behind you and saw three large figures, who saw you looking, and started chasing you. Naturally you ran away, and accidentally ducked into an alley. You thought that was it, when the three people ran past you at a surprising speed.
You let out a breath, thinking you're ok..
Then out of nowhere, Foot ninja leaped out, cornering you.

"What the heck!? Foot ninja!? Here!?" You marveled, while being terrified at the same time.

Suddenly four figures jumped down in front of you, and started attacking the ninja. You some how felt safe, and the situation was very very familiar.
One turned to you, having sapphire blue eyes, and swept you off your feet, up to the roof tops.
Just touching sent shivers up and down your spine, goosebumps on your skin, and made your heart beat twice as fast, all in around 5 seconds.
And to make things even more awesome, he stared at you with those brilliant eyes, seeming to gaze into your very soul as he landed on the roof, then placed you down.

"Now miss-" he started, but stopped himself seeing your starstruck stare.

"Y-you're Leonardo! How the heck- I must be dreaming! B-because you- you can't be real.. can you?" 

Leo was surprised at your rambling, a nice change from ear-splitting screams.
"Miss, are you alright?" 

It seemed that you forgot why you were so freaked out, and hearing Leo's voice reminded you. Looking to him, your face grew bright red.

"I- um.. I have a thing to get to, y-yeah, a thing. B-but, thank you for saving me!" 
With that, you ran to the edge of the roof and climbed down the fire escape, panting heavily when you returned home.

You where on a random roof, spacing yourself from pretty much everything. You had some peaceful music on, flowing through the wind on this pleasant night.

You hummed the tune on the radio, smiling at the peace and quiet. Then you where interrupted by a thump from behind you. You jumped, pulling out your tazer gun, preparing for a violent person or a harmless cat. What you got was so much more.
You gasped loudly, almost dropping the tazer gun. A container of mutagen rolled to your foot, and Donnie followed it, not yet realising your presence. He placed a hand on the mutagen and saw the sneaker, and looked up till he met your eyes.

"Uh oh." He whispered.

You try not to smile like a maniac and pick up the mutagen, touching his hand for a split second, and time seemed to stop in its tracks. 
Goosebumps traveled up your arm, and was replaced with shivers, going down your spine, as butterflies tickled the insides of your stomach, with your heart beating a thousand miles per second. You gulped and time resumed, permitting you to stand to your full height, mutagen in hand. Donnatello stood too, towering over you.

"Good mother of maybelle you're tall." You stated the obvious. You do that when your nervous, and right now you were pretty nervous.

"Um, c-could I h-have th-that, please?" He stuttered, looking at the glowing substance. You blinked and handed it to him, looking up at him curiously.

"So, I-I'm hallucinating, right? That s-seems to be the most likely explanation. Y-you're very realistic, I must say." You hesitantly poke his arm, your nerves slowly wearing off. Donnie didn't know what to make of this strange reaction.

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