A trip down memory lane (Pt 2)

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To recap:
The girls partly remember the turtles, they haven't realised that they are the boys. I decide to take them down to the sewers, when my flashlight dies. So now we're in the dark smelly sewers, trying to find the turtles.

I hit my palm on the back of the light, but it doesn't turn back on. I groan and blindly reach behind for one of the girl's hand. I feel someone's hand and grasp it tight.

"Who's that?" I whisper.

"Th-th-that's m-me." D/g whispers, and squeezes it gently.

"Ok, everyone, lets stay together, it'll be ok." I whisper to them, and they answer with muffled 'ok's, finding a hand to hold in the dark. I walk forward slowly, staying close to the wall without touching it, and try my best to remember how to get to the Lair. After what seemed like forever, we hit a dead end. I let go of D/g's hand and felt the wall, until my fingers traced over a keypad. I sighed in relief and slowly put in the code. I was overjoyed when the wall opened to reveal the entrance to the Lair.

"Ok, c'mon girls." I direct, and walk in. The sudden light blinds us momentarily, and when my vision returns, I see the turtles staring at us, frozen in place.

"G-g-gypsy?" Leo stutters, spotting L/g rubbing her eyes.

"Girls, we're here. Say hello to your boyfriends." I say, turning to them.

L/g regains her sight, and gasps seeing Leo, who stumbles back, and falls on his shell.
"Uhh.. um," Leo gulps and speaks softly, "h-hi uh, Sugar.."

Tears slowly stream down L/g's cheeks, and she takes several steps forward, then one step back.
"L-Leo," she sniffs, looking at him sadly, "I missed you."

Leo leaps to his feet and runs to her, pulling her forward into a bone- crushing hug, crying into her shoulder.
"I missed you too Sugar. I'm sorry I didn't find you sooner."

"It wouldn't have mattered Babe, I'm just happy to be back." L/g answers, parting to give Leo a desperate kiss, which he returns.

Donnie watches as D/g shuts her eyes for a moment, pressing the heels of her hands to them as the light takes her by surprise. Donnie gulps and steps forward, standing in front of her, and kneels down, taking her hands.

"Baby Doll? It's me.. it's Donnie."

D/g freezes hearing his voice, feeling her hands in his, and blinks, her vision slowly returning. She squints and cups his cheek, analyzing every detail of his face as her memory returns in a gigantic wave.

"D-Donnie? I-is that you?" She whispers, her tears trailing down her face. Donnie reaches out and catches them in his large green hand, pooling into his palm.

"Yeah, Baby Doll, it's me."
D/g smiles sadly and presses her lips to his, giving him a sweet yet salty kiss.

"I missed you, Handsome." She murmured against his lips. Donnie just smiles and continues to kiss her, savoring the moment.

R/g squints and blinks several times, looking around. A certain red bandanna turtle catches her eye, staring at her in a daze. She gulps and steps forward, not breaking eye contact as Raph stays in place.

"Hot Stuff?" She calls to him, her lip barely quivering, and her voice daring to crack as her eyes well up with tears. "R-Raphie?"

Raph breaks out of his trance and gulps, watching as R/g comes closer and closer. Suddenly Raph is in front of her, sweeping her off her feet and kissing her passionately.

"I missed you too." R/g mutters as Raph kisses her face repeatedly, his own tears wetting her face.

"I love you Sweetheart. I love you so so much. I don't know what I'd do if- if.." Raph trailed off as he kissed R/g roughly, not caring if his brothers saw.

M/g looked around questionably, not yet seeing Mikey in the kitchen, observing her from afar. M/g spots him, unbeknownst to him, and walks to Mikey slowly.

"Mikey? G-Gummy Bear?"

Mikey runs out and scoops her up in a hug, peppering her face with kisses.

"Gumdrop, you're back!" He smiles sadly, letting his tears fall as he kisses her soft lips over and over. M/g smiles and wipes away Mikey's tears with her thumb, as he does the same.

"I'm so sorry Mikey. I hurt you.. I screamed.."

Mikey silences her with another kiss.
"It's ok.. I still love you. Stop crying, please." Mikey commands gently, kissing her cheeks, forehead and lips.

I stand to the side, smiling as the scene unfolds around me, smiling proudly. If this is how my book ends, I'm ok with it.
My hands suddenly feel weird, numb, and I hold them out to see that they're fading, becoming see- thru. I begin to panic, my breathing becomes ragged and labored. My vision is growing fuzzy, and I barely make out D/g and Donnie running towards me. I can't feel D/g grab my arm, or Donnie feel my pulse.

"That's impossible." He mutters.

"What? What's impossible?!" D/g asks, eyes wide with worry.

"She- she doesn't have a pulse." Donnie whispers, staring at me blankly.

"W-what?" I breathe, squeezing D/g's hand. "Why can't I feel anything!? Donnie! Guys! Help me!" I begin to cry, and the world suddenly becomes dark.

The girls are petrified, afraid that they will disappear again like their friend, and the boys try to comfort the girls the best they can.

"D-D-Donnie?" D/g whispered fearfully, holding his hand tight. Donnie turned and pulled her into a tight embrace, stroking her hair soothingly.

"It's ok Baby Doll. It's ok, I promise." 

R/g started shaking, and Raph noticed immediately.
"R/g, look at me, Sweetheart," Raph commanded gently. R/g gazed up at Raph, her lip was quivering with fear. "You're not going anywhere, I'm gonna keep you safe, I promise."

R/g nodded, and Raph kissed her forehead lightly.

L/g stumbles back, bumping into Leo, who wrapped his arms around her waist and held her close.
"It's ok Sugar, everything's ok."

L/g turned around and hid her face in his plastron, beginning to cry. Leo rubbed her back gently, trying to calm her.

M/g starting crying to, and Mikey rushed to her aid, enveloping her in a tight hug.

"Don't cry M/g, please don't cry Gumdrop." Mikey quaked, rocking her to and fro.

"I-I'm scared M-Mikey."

"Don't be, nothing will take you away, I swear on the last slice of pizza."

Despite her fear, M/g could help but chuckle at Mikey. Mikey smiled and gave her a kiss, melting her worries away.

"We'll always be thankful for what Gypsy did." Leo remarked, petting L/g's hair.

(I'm ok!)

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