He confesses

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It had been several weeks since t/n accepted that he had a crush on you, and it was growing by the day. By and by, he knew he was far past crushing.

You walked into the kitchen in your new pajamas, a blue and black elbow sleeved shirt, with a blue and black striped shorts.
Leo looked at you and slapped himself, causing you to turn your attention to him.

"Leo, why did you slap yourself?"

"No reason."

"O-k. Do you want some cereal?" You asked, turning your back to him.

Leo looked to you and mumbled a yes. You handed a bowl to him and grabbed yours. You sat at the table and munched on yours, while Leo stood, leaning against the wall. He watched you eat, and lick your lips, making you even more irresistible.
Leo hurriedly ate and stormed out of the kitchen and into the dojo for meditation.
You saw him rush out, and followed him quietly. When he was in deep meditation you sat in front of him and joined him.

"Y/n." He spoke, eyes still closed.

"Yeah." You whispered, for some unknown reason.

"I have something to tell you."


"I am madly in love with you. And I don't know what to do."

You opened your eyes and saw him staring at you, and you smiled.

"Me too, Leo."

His eyes widen and you giggle, leaning forward and kissing his cheek.


"I said me too, Leo. I'm also madly in love with you and don't know what to do."

"O-oh," he gulped, looking at you. "What now?"

You smile and sit closer to him, leaning forward just a bit.

"Well, we can either ignore our feelings and stay friends, or, we could be a 'thing' and do all that sappy lovie-dovie stuff."

"I vote for option two."

"Me too." You giggle, kissing his cheek again.

You sighed as you watched Donnie talk with April, she's clearly enjoying the attention, and not caring one bit about the important information Donnie is explaining.
April finally leaves, but Donnie is in dream world, so you go to experiment alone.
You boil a blue liquid and pour a smoking liquid in an empty vial. You then take the blue boiling one and prepare to add it to the smoking one when Donnie tackles you.

"Y/n! What are you doing!? That would blow up the entire lab! I thought I told you to never experiment without me!"

"Sorry Don, you were busy so I thought I'd go ahead. I won't do it again, I promise."

He sighs in relief and hugs you tight.

"Good. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"You'd have April as your assistant instead. I'm easily replaceable."

Don parts and holds your shoulders, looking you in the eye with a mad and serious expression.

"Don't you ever say that again Y/n. You're irreplaceable, one of a kind, I could've met anyone in the world in that alley, and I'm glad that it was you. You're beautiful, smart, tough, and creative. Your perfect. And I've fallen in love with you. Deeply in love with you. It's driving me crazy with how deep in love I am with you."


"I just said that out loud, didn't I?"

"How you're deeply in love with me? Yes."

He groaned and placed his forehead on yours.



"I'm deeply in love with you too."

He looks at you and you kiss his beak, and hug him tight.

"Oh thank goodness!" He whispered, hugging you back.

You let a tear slip down your cheek as Donnie treated your swollen ankle.

"I'm afraid it's pretty serious Y/n, you've got to stay off of it for a while."

"Ok, thanks Don." You sniff, and he hands you a tissue.

Don helps you to the couch and sets you up, propping up your foot and giving you some snacks to munch on.

Then Raph comes in and prepares to jump on the couch.

"Raph no!" You cry, sitting up and accidentally slamming your feet on the floor, making you cry in pain.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!" You cry, laying back down.

"Are you ok?" Raph asks, looking at your foot.

"No, it hurts really bad." You say, tears coming into view.

Raph walks over and picks you up, sitting down and placing you on his lap. Then he wipes your tears away with his thumb.

"Need anything?"

You nod your head and rest your head against his plastron.

"Your so beautiful, Y/n, it's killing me. I love you. It's crazy how much I'm in love with you." He whispers into your hair.

You look up at him and smile.

"I'm in love with you too Raphie." You whisper, stretching up to kiss his cheek.

He smiles down at you and kissed your forehead.

You laugh as you play a new game with Mikey, beating him by a hair.

"That was SUPER close!" You giggle, leaning on him.

He chuckles and wraps an arm around you, pulling you closer.

"You're so adorable Y/n."

"You too Mikester."

"No Y/n, mean it. I think you're adorable, no, adorable doesn't cut it. You're past adorable, past cute, past hot, you pass all the labels for beauty. And I'm in love with you. Crazy in love with you."

You look at him and smile, giving him a hug.

"Mikester, I'm in love with you too." You giggle, resting your head on his shoulder.

Mikey looked to the Lab were Donnie was watching, with a folder in his hand. Mikey have him a thumbs up and Donnie smiled, turning to put away the folder.

"Booyakasha!" Mikey whisper shouted.

I probably could've done better, but I like this. Bye bye!

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