Mini Series #8: Bye Stranger

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Bye Stranger

Oh my gosh I am so sorry this took forever! And updates will be very very slow. I hate it as much as you do.

 I hate it as much as you do

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Slowly. Ever so slowly, two months passed. The boys never stopped, in fact, they became even more determined to find the girls with each day.  

Leo hunted the streets at night, and he barely slept. Sometimes he began to lose hope, then he'd get a small glimpse of L/g's hair, or spot her in the street before losing her in the dark.

Donnie searched abandoned buildings, places D/g might camp out at. When he was in the Lair (which wasn't often), he'd work on things that could track D/g using her DNA. Or something that could cancel out the serum. So far, no good results. 

I barely sleep, thanks to the Void. It lets me rest once in a while, taking over my body and doing things while I sleep mentally. Yeah, it's kinda weird. And the other reason why I can't sleep: guilt. When the boys started getting low, I pulled the girls to them, for them to see before the girls broke out of my trance and ran off. And yes, I tried to bring them back, but the serum is too strong for me, only the boys can break it. I feel terrible, playing the them like cat and mouse, but the Void has never been wrong. I have to trust it. 


I walk to the secret entrance, looking behind my shoulder more often than I should. I feel like something's trailing me, but I'm not sure if that's my nerves or not. To calm myself, I listen to music while sneaking in, falling into the shadows and slipping past guards with ease. If the situation wasn't so serious and upsetting, I might be fangirling that I have superpowers, sorta. 
I enter the room again, and look at the container of baby turtles, that might've gotten smaller, swimming around, not knowing what's happening. Then I study the beds, which have been redesigned, wider, and longer, and look like they've been used. I think I might know what's going on, and I might be panicking. 

"Gypsy!" Raph grabs my forearm roughly, pulling me nose to nose with him. I can see he's mad, there's fire in his eyes, and I'm a smidge worried. 

"R-Raph, I-I can explain." 

"Yeah you better! Because I've been scouring the streets for my girlfriend for two months, and here you are, in a secret room, no, a secret torture room with containers of baby turtles and mutagen! Are you even on our side!? For all we know, you could be working for Shredder, prepping this room for the girls! I never trusted you, you always seemed edgy, quiet. Always suspect the quiet ones-!"

"Raph!" I cut off his ranting, and he gives me the stink eye. "Please, let me explain. I needed to be sure this was what I thought it was. And I'm still not sure what this place is, or how it's even here. I've been edgy and quiet because the stupid Void always chatters away inside my head. I yell at it when I'm alone." 

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