You visit again

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You made enough money to move from April's to the apartment you wanted, and you had a small amount of furniture.

It was a regular day, the sun was out with a few clouds scattered throughout the sky. You were very bored and wanted to visit the turtles, even though it had been only two days.

"Oh what the hey!" You cry out, running to your room.
You pull on a t-shirt with (favorite saying) paired with white washed jeans and sneakers, plus a green beanie.
Then you walk outside and find a manhole cover in the alley nearby, and travel to the Lair.

You entered and looked around before finding Leo in the kitchen, consumed in a Space Hero's comic. You smirked and snuck up behind him very quietly, and was about to pounce when... Leonardo turned around to face you!

"Hey." He said. You were very close, nose to beak, frozen in place.

"H-h-h-hello." You breathe. You can feel Leo's breath on your face, giving you goosebumps.

"Did you really think you could sneak up on a ninja?" He smirked.

You smiled and found new energy, thawing you so you could step back.
"Sorta. Won't happen again." You say, sitting on the counter.

"Heh. So, you couldn't wait to visit again, huh?"

"Nope, you guys are just too awesome!" You giggle, swinging your legs.

Leo chuckles and walks out, plopping on the couch. You follow and sit next to him, and he smiles warmly at you.
Mikey then comes and jumps next to you, forcing you to squeeze closer to Leo.

"S-sorry." You mumble.

"Its fine. Mikey, scoot over some for Y/n!"

"Can't dude, there's nowhere to scoot too."

"Well then leave!"

"No way!"

"Guys, it's ok, I'll sit on the floor!" You interrupt.
Leo looks at you crazy.

"No way, you're not sitting on the floor!" He replies, picking you up and standing, then placing you on his seat.

"Leo, what are you doing?" You giggle.

"You're not sitting on the floor." He states simply, sitting on the floor in front of you.

You giggle and rub his head, making him blush.

Yup, you'd be visiting a lot more.

You ran in, looking for Donnie. You found him in his lab, as usual, with his nose, er- beak in a philosophy book.
You smiled and walked up to him, pulling a chair along with you. He was still reading when you sat in front of him. You cleared your throat and pushed his book down slightly. Don looked up and smiled at you.

"Y/n! You came back!" He cried, pulling you in for a hug. You giggled and hugged him back.

"Of course I did! Why wouldn't I!"

"I don't know, maybe you would think we're weird."

"Hamato Donnatello, I would never think that!" You exclaim.
Donnie smiles and takes your hand, dragging you to the Shell Raiser.

"C'mon, I've been waiting to put it in with you!"

"Aw Donnie, you didn't have to wait for me." You smile, wrapping your arms around his neck.
Don blushes and changes the subject.

"So will you help?"

"You betcha!" You giggle, setting to work.

Donnie was really happy he found you on that roof.

You walked in quietly, looking around. Suddenly you were tackled to the ground, letting out a cry of pain once you make contact to the ground. You feel a shooting pain in your wrist. You looked to see a white eyed Raphael above you, straddling your hips with his sais pointed to you.

"Raph," you squeak, trying to ignore the pain in your wrist. "I think you broke my wrist." You say, a tear slipping down your cheeks.
Raphael realizes what he did and immediately jumps off of you, and picks you up.

"I'm so so so so sorry Y/n, you can hate me if you want." He mumbles the last part, looking at his feet.
You frown and kiss his cheek, and he looks at you.

"I don't hate you Raph." You smile at him. He smiles at you too and enters Donnie's Lab.

"Um, Don?" Raph grunts. Don looks to him and sees you in his arms.

"What happened." Donnie sighs.


Raph didn't forgive himself for hurting you, and while Don was helping you, he went to his room.
Don gave you instructions, then let you go. You immediately went to Raphael, knocking on his door politely.

"Go away!" He yelled. You sighed and sat next to the door, leaning back on the wall.

"Raph, I'm ok, it'll be fine. Please come out. I already forgave you." You said quietly, hoping for an answer.

"But I don't forgive myself." You heard him whisper.

"Do you wanna talk?"

"....... no..."


You sighed and stayed where you were, not giving up. Raph then opened the door and peeked out. He didn't see you on the floor, and you saw his red eyes. Raph sighed sadly, thinking you left, when you stood and hugged him.

"Raphael, I forgive you. It's fine. And besides, it's only sprained." You whisper. He lets out a small breath of relief.

"You give good hugs." He mutters.
You giggle.

"So do you, Raphie."

"Don't call me that."

You skipped in the Lair, looking for Mikey.

"PIZZA!" Mikey called, running out and picking you up. You giggled as he hugged you and spun around.

"Hi Mikey!" You say once he put you down. He smiles and puts you on his shoulders, holding your hands up with his and runs around.

"Wee!" You squeal, making Mikester chuckle.
You notice Raphael walk in the room, then slowly walk out. You giggle and continue to fly with Mikey.
Then you relax on the couch and watch tv with him. Until he got a sneaky idea.

"Hey Y/n, are you ticklish?"

"Mmhm, a little. Why?" You ask, and are answered by Mikey attacking your sides, making you burst with giggles and snorts.

"M-m-mi-mik-mikey, st-s-stoooop!" You laugh, starting to loose your breath. Mikey doesn't let up so you attack his side's, letting you catch your breath.

"Ack! Nononono! Pl-p-please! H-h-have m-me-mercy!!" He cries, laughing.

You finally stop and rest.

"That was fun." Mikey smiles. You nod and smile too.
"Yeah it was." You giggle. "Now what?"

"I don't know about you, but I could use a nap."

You yawn and so does Mikey. "Yeah, me too. I should probably head ho-" you were cut off by Mikey pulling out a blanket and pillows. He sets it up and picks you up, then lays down with you.

"Will you nap with me?" He asks. You look at him and nod, yawning. He yawns to and you both fall asleep dreaming of flying and tickle wars.

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