Going Home

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Donnatello had been working hard to fix the portal in all four dimensions. The Donnatello were you were couldn't recreate the portal at all.

L/g was with Leo, watching Space Heros and R/g was sitting with Raph, 'reading' the comic book with him.
M/g was with Mikey, cheering him on to beat Raph's high score.
D/g was with Donnie, helping him with the Shell Raiser.

Then suddenly, four purple portals appeared in the living room. D/g ran out as L/g and R/g scrambled to get up, and M/g ran over. Then a bandanna emerged from the purple light. One was blue, one was red, one was purple, and another was orange.

L/g turned to Leonardo.
"I guess this is goodbye for now." And gave him a quick hug. Leo smiled and pet her hair.

D/g looked at Donnie and smiled.
"I'll see ya around."

"You too." He smiled back, pulling her in for a hug.

R/g smiled at Raph.
"Well, I guess I'll be goin' now."

Raph had a blank expression, then he smiled a little. "Yeah.. it was nice to meet ya, I guess.. I'll be seeing ya." He smirked.

M/g turned to Mikey, who was looking blue.
"Hey," she said, making him look up, "turn that frown upside down."
Mikey smiled and hugged her.

You walked to your portal and with the help from t/n, jumped into the portal and traveled back your turtle.

You screamed as you were thrown out of the portal and into Leo's arms.
"Sugar! Oh Y/n I missed you!" He cried, peppering your face with kisses. You giggled and pulled him in for a kiss.

"I missed you too Babe, but I've only been gone for a few hours."

"A few hours!? You've been gone for three days!!"

Your eyes widen as you think for a moment, then pull Leo in for another kiss.

"I missed you so much." Leo mumbles against your lips. You just smile and kiss him again before you picks you up and cuddles with you in his bed.

You scream as you exit the portal head first and prepare for impact, only for Donnie to grab your arms and swing you around in a hug.

"Baby Doll!" He cries, giving you a tight hug.

"Donnie!" You say, smashing your lips into his.

"I missed.. you.." He mumbles, kissing you over and over again.

"How long was I gone?" You ask as he sets you down.

"Three days, two hours, and thirty minutes."

"Oh, wow.. in there it seemed like just a few hours."

Donnie smiled at you and pulled you in for another hug.
"Please stay away from glowing strange things, for me."
You nod and he pulls you to his latest invention, going on and on about the energy efficiency.

You gasp and you fly back to Raphael, and crash into him. He lands on his shell and slides to the wall behind him, and stops with a thump. You're laying on his plastron flat on your stomach. Raph looks at you and jumps up, holding you bridal style.

"Sweetheart!" He says, kissing your face.

"Hi Hot Stuff." You giggle at him. He carries you to his room and places you down before laying next to you and pulling you close.

"I missed you." He says sleepily.

"Raph, why are you so tired? I was only gone for a few hours."

"More like..... three days.." He yawns, then drifts to sleep. You gasp and kiss his cheek before snuggling close to him.

You step on the Lab floor with ease, and look around for Mikey.

"Mikey?" You call out.

GUMDROP!" He screams, tackling you in a hug. He spins you around and kisses you. You giggle and kiss back as he sets you down on the ground and cups your cheeks with his hands.
"You were gone for so long.. I was close to throwing Raph into the portal.. I couldn't even eat pizza until you returned.." He muttered against your lips.

"It felt like a few hours.. how long was I gone?"

"Three days."

You hug Mikey and he pulls you to the kitchen for pizza.


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