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L/g was walking back home, the sun was setting behind her

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L/g was walking back home, the sun was setting behind her. She didn't want to be out, but Gypsy twisted her foot, and she needed some pain killers. L/g had a dark hoodie on, hands shoved deep in her pockets, and her head low, eyes glued to the pavement. She passed a particularly dark alley, and she felt a pair of eyes following her, so she quickened her pace. A while later L/g passed another alley, and a green three fingered hand pulled her into the dark. She screamed and thrashed and kicked until she realized the stranger was hugging her, and sobbing softly. She caught her breath and for the sake of her life, slowly pat his back, which felt strange, firm, and cold. The person calmed down at this motion, and L/g continued it, hoping they would let her go and leave her alone.

"Sugar.. oh gosh, I thought you were dead.." He began to mutter, and L/g was sure she was screwed.

"Sir, please.. don't- don't do this.. please, let me go home.." She said quietly, hoping the man would listen. He moved to view her face, but L/g couldn't see his.

"Sugar.. it's me.. it's Leo.. don't you remember?" He whispered, his warm breath smelling of pizza.

"N-no sir.. please, let me go home." She said. The man sensed her fear, and backed up to the wall, his back creating a hollow 'thump', and slid to the ground.

"You- you don't remember me." Then a car passed by with its lights on, and L/g saw who was before her. A giant turtle, with a blue bandanna, not bothering to hide his silent tears. L/g screamed and ran away, and that by far, hurt Leo more than anything else, watching the girl he loved, scared to death and running away.. from him.

D/g walked up the steps to the roof. She needed some air, and after Gypsy twisted her foot everyone was helping out. D/g walked up the steps to the metal door, and slowly grasped the cold, steel knob, and threw open the door. She first noted the air, blowing back her soft curls as she stepped out. She gasped at the sky, a deep purple that brought a strange comfort, with the occasional star here and there, and she decided that after the sun had set was her favorite time of the day.
A loud 'thump' came from behind her, and she sensed déja vu.

"Who- who's there?" She called timidly.

A green and purple blur caught her off guard as she was scooped up in a hug that was terrifyingly familiar.

"Baby Doll, you're alright!" A calm yet worried voice said, who D/g figured was her strange hugger.

"Do- do I know you?" She whispered. The person tensed up, and D/g wasn't sure if she just sealed her fate. The person ran back to where he was hiding before she could see him. "I-I'm sorry, you don't need to hide." She said, having a sudden sense of guilt. He didn't move, and D/g thought she heard him crying.
"The- um.. the sky is so pretty, isn't it." She said while cautiously inching closer to the figure with his back to her. "I-I love the color purple." She could now see in the dark that his shoulders were shaking with sobs, and she was struck with even more guilt. "Are you ok?"
D/g's voice so close made the man jump and land on his back, his reddish brown eyes striking her d/g/e/c ones. She saw him. She saw his long green legs, she saw his big three fingered hands, and she saw his green face, riddled with hurt and heart break. D/g screamed and stumbled back, then scrambled up to her feet, running to the metal door. Donnie didn't bother to wipe his tears as they streamed down his face and fell to a puddle on the concrete floor.

R/g was sitting on the steps outside, breathing in the cold air, clearing her head. Suddenly she was lifted up, and found herself on a neighboring roof before she could register what happened. She drew a shaky breath and looked around. Nothing to her left. Nothing to her right. Nothing ahead. She whirled around quickly, and her breath was lost when she came nose to nose with a green face with striking green eyes, smiling like it was the best day in his life. Raph didn't notice her scared expression, yet.

"Hey Sweetheart." He said in a low tone, giving her lips a teasing brush. R/g jumped back at this gesture and fell to the ground, scrambling backwards.
"Sweetheart? It's me. What's wrong?" Raph's tone wasn't fun-and-games anymore, it was worried, confused, and a little hurt.
R/g let out a ear splitting scream, making Raph flinch and fall of the roof, then catch himself on the ledge. He pulled himself back up to see his girl gone. Possibly forever.

M/g found that the roof was a nice place to clear ones head, especially at sunset. She had a sketch pad, and was drawing the tall buildings far away, enjoying herself immensely. She was lost in her own world, and didn't hear a loud thump from behind her.

"Gumdrop?" A male, childlike voice said from behind. M/g jumped and fell off the ledge she was sitting on, sure that she was doomed. Before she could release the scream that was bubbling up, strong hands pulled her to safety, and into a warm hug.

"Th-thank you." She whispered, shaking from her near-death experience.

"You're welcome Gumdrop." The man said, beginning to stroke her hair. M/g was feeling disturbed at that gesture, and pushed out of the hug. She looked straight at his green round face, with several freckles, and screamed as loud as she could, bolting for the door.
"M-M/g?" Mikey whispered, feeling his heart shatter to splinters. "She- she screamed..."

My P.O.V
I was on the couch with my injured foot on pillows when L/g comes bursting into the doorway, gasping for breath. D/g and M/g run down the stairs, M/g first, panting. R/g climbs in the window, looking like a ghost.

"Whoa whoa whoa, what the heck happened to you?" I ask, sitting up.

"I was walking home, and something pulled me just to an alleyway, and was hugging me, calling me Sugar, then I saw what he looked like, he was big and green, possibly a teenager, and I screamed and ran away." L/g panted, and places her hands on her thighs.

"Y-yeah, I was on the roof, just getting some air when this thing comes and hugs me, then I tell 'em I don't know  'em, and they got upset, and hid behind a air conditioning box. I got to see if they're ok, and low and behold, a mutant thing, sitting there! I screamed and ran." D/g said, sitting on the floor.

"I was sitting on the steps when suddenly I'm lifted to the neighbors roof, and I turn around to see this turtle thing. He calls me Sweetheart and kisses me. I jumped back and screamed making him fall. I don't know if he's road pizza or what, but MAN!" R/g says, fuming.

"I-I was on the roof, and someone came up behind me and called me gumdrop. I was surprised and fell of the ledge, but he caught me. I was thankful, but he was creeping me out by petting my hair. I pushed away and saw he was a-a greenish ninja or something. I screamed and ran here."

"Oh no," I whisper, "oh no no no no no." I start to freak out, and hold me head in my hands. "Ok, ok, no one.. freak out, it'll be ok, get some rest." I say, though mainly to myself. The girls nod and head off to bed. Now I have to figure out way to fix this pickle of a problem.

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