Cuddling (before, between, and after)

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Help help help its too cute!!


Before pregnancy:

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Before pregnancy:

He'd either walk you or carry you to his room, flop down on the bed, and proceed to give you little kisses, wrapped up in blankets and surrounded by pillows. Several times, his 'little kisses' turned into heated make out sessions.

Uh.. between pregnancy and kidnapping:

After that, your bond with each other grew. The next time he cuddled you, he would hold you close and play with your hair, stare into your eyes, teasingly run his fingers over your scars lightly, and whisper sweet compliments to you. His kisses were occupied with a new love for you, far more passionate and deep, a whole new level of love and fondness for you. You were his, he confirmed one night, gazing down at you with shining blue eyes, mentally marveling at the size of your heart, the size of your love, your wondrous capability to love something so different, something not human. You felt exactly the same. In your eyes, Leo was an angel, not a freak. You saw yourself as dull, boring, the complete opposite of what Leo saw in you. Leo opened your eyes, showed you how amazing you really were. Without saying a single word, he had told you that you were The One. The one that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. At least, that's what you hoped.

When you returned:

Leo, now knowing that he is a father, was in shock.
You, with a new body, new face, new skin, weren't sure what to expect.
When he returned from dream land, he swept you up and kissed you with more love than ever. The kisses he gave you before now felt shy, like he had been holding back, afraid he'd scare you off by showing you exactly how much love he had for you. Leo gently placed you in bed, and curled up with you, telling you how much he loved you, how beautiful you are, then and now, how he can't wait to hold his children, and how lucky he felt to have you.

And to top it all off, image, in each of these cuddling scenarios with Leo, waking up to that face (above).



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