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(I would like to apologize in advance. If you're crying in the end, I am to blame.)

L/g Leo's girl, or Leo's girls name.
D/g Donnie's girl, or Donnie's girls name.
R/g Raph's girl, or Raph's girls name.
M/g Mikey's girl, or Mikey's girls name.
The same goes for eye color, hair color and length, skin color, and whatever else you can think of. Let's hope it doesn't get too confusing.

 Let's hope it doesn't get too confusing

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No one's P.O.V
It was a normal day. The turtles went and kicked bad guy butt, celebrated with pizza and a kiss from their girl.
Currently, all the girls were separated in different dimensions, with their turtles. They had no idea what was going to happen.

It started with Leo's dimension. A shake, and a rumble. Leo grasped L/g, pulling her close.

L/g saw the change first.
'Wasn't Raph in the dojo?' She thought, seeing a shadow of him on the couch, with someone else. Her eyes widened when she recognized the girl with Raph, being held in his arms.

"R/g?" L/g called, drawing R/g, Raph, and Leo's attention.

"L/g? How are you here?"

R/g saw the next change.
From the corner of her eye she saw a flicker, like a shadow, and looked to the Lab. R/g saw a silhouette forming next to Donnie, who suddenly changed from celebrating a scientific discovery alone, to celebrating with the other person, picking up and spinning the girl before placing a kiss to her lips.

"D/g?" She called, becoming confused. D/g looked to the caller, her bright smile leaving her lips, and her brow dipping in equal confusion.

Mikey walked out, carrying two slices of pizza, which suddenly morphed into a cheerful young woman, arms looped around his neck, smiling up at the also cheerful Mikey. She looked around and her face retorted to confusion in a millisecond as Mikey placed her down.

"Um, hi girls?" She said cautiously, sending out a small wave. Each girl and her turtle walked out and sent a wave back. Confusion swirled about the air as the girls explained what happened during the Lab Accident. Donnie was the first to speak.

"So.. what are your names?" He asked to the other girls.

They all answered at the same time, voices overlapping. Raph groaned.

"This is disturbing." He muttered, and pulled his girl closer. The other boys followed suit.

"Gumdrop, what's happening to you!?" Mikey said, his voice etched with confusion and worry. M/g was fading away, right in his arms.

"Gummy Bear! Mikey!" She cried, tears beginning to fall. Mikey dove to grab her, but she faded away faster, and disappeared completely.

"SUGAR! NO NO NO, L/G!" Leo cried as L/g faded. She began to cry and try to grab her love, repeating his name, but her hands went right through him and she disappeared.

"SWEETHEART! NO!" Raph screamed as R/g fell through the couch, and faded away too.

Donnie looked at the chaos around him, and his reddish brown eyes met D/g's d/g/e/c ones, already beginning to fade. He gently caressed her cheek, wiping away a tear in the process.

"Donnie.. what do I do?" She said fearfully. Donnie began to cry also.

"I don't know Baby Doll. I- I don't-" Donnie couldn't finish his sentence, because D/g faded away, leaving Donnie with several of her tears in the palm of his green three fingered hand.

My P.O.V
I shoot up from my bed, panting heavily from my dream. I throw off my covers and shuffle to the bathroom, grabbing the cup on the side table. I fill it with water and gulp it down, then return to bed. I try to sleep but it doesn't come, so I get up again and sit on my desk chair, and open up my laptop.


Log in.


I click on the newest chapter of my favorite book and continue the story.

After about thirty minutes my doorbell rings, and I go answer it, wondering who would be here at 4 am. I open the door to a young lady, wearing a thin shirt and sweatpants, with no shoes or socks, and pretty m/g/h/l m/g/h/c hair, and tired m/g/e/c eyes.

"Umm, hi. Would you like to come in?"

She nods, letting out a frosty breath and shivers, and I step aside for her to come in.

"Whats your name?" I ask, giving her a blanket.

"I-I don't know." She whispers.

"Oh.. ok.. um.." I think for a moment, playing at the hem of my Avengers t-shirt. "How about.. M/g?"
She looks at me with a puzzled look, and I shrug.
"It just came to me."

She smiles, showing her straight white teeth.
"I like it. M/g..."

I smile back and show her to the guestroom.

"Wait," M/g says as I head to my room, "what's your name?"

"Oh. I'm Gypsy."

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