Chapter 1 Home And Back Again

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Chapter 1

Home And Back Again

Third Person POV

"TOBY!" Sarah yells running up the stairs, hoping he has been returned from the labyrinth after being kidnapped by the Goblin King. Running in to her parents room she relaxes seeing Toby asleep in his cot. She slowly backs out, trying not to wake him, and goes in to her own room. Putting things that remind her of her time in the labyrinth away in her draw, she hears her parents come home.

She rushes down the stairs and straight in to her father's arms. Surprised, her father hugs her back lightly. "What's the matter Sarah?" Letting go of him she looks up to see worry on his face. "I've missed you"

Her father looked at her even more puzzled than before. "We've only been gone a few hours..."

Before he could continue her step-mother, Karen, butts in. "Oh for christ sakes Sarah stop acting like a child. Be useful for once and go put the kettle on."

Now Sarah had never liked her step-mother she was a horrible woman, she was mean... plain mean.

Sarah wandered off into the kitchen to do as Karen had asked thinking about what her father had said... 'We've only been gone a few hours?'... Oh of course ... Time must have passed differently when she was in the labyrinth. At home it had only been a few hours but for her it had been 13, even if it did feel more like 13 days.

She began to think about The King, about the pained look in his eyes when she said those words. The words that, in the beginning, she could never remember. But now it seemed she could never forget. 'Through dangers untold.' She got two mugs out of the cupboard for her father and Karen. 'And hard ships unnumbered.' she thought to herself, adding the teabags and the sugar. 'I have fought my way here to the castle, beyond the goblin city.'  She poured in the water from the freshly boiled kettle. 'To take back the child you have stolen.' She wandered over to the fridge to get the milk. 'For my will is as strong as yours,' she starts to pour. 'and my kingdom is great...'

'You have no power over me...'

Sarah hadn't realised how lost she had gotten in those words, and the sorrow in The kings face when she had said them, until she heard her step-mother shouting at her. Like, literally at her. she hadn't registered what it was about until she realised her feet were wet. She had started pouring the milk... and never stopped.

She put down the now empty carton and began cleaning it up. She tuned in to Karen's nagging to hear her saying, "You have your head in the clouds young lady."

Just listen at her, crying over a bit of spilt milk, Sarah thought.

"And what was that obsessive mumbling? You have no power over me? Don't you just wish." Sarah picked her head up worryingly at the word 'wish' but relaxed when she realised there was no way her step-mother knew the words to the labyrinth... was there?

"How about I make a wish Sarah? Hmm? Would you like that?"

Now Sarah was starting to panic.

"What is it that stupid little book of yours says? I wish-"


"I wish the goblins would come and take us all away, RIGHT NOW!"

And then It all went black.

Thank you for reading, I should have my second chapter up soon as I am about to start writing it.


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