Chapter 37 Charge!

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Chapter 37


Jareth's POV

I sat atop Diablo, my black Frisian horse, looking down over the Labyrinth, The goblin army at my back. Sarah had gone to see her friends before the battle, but was now riding up to me on Ghost, an appaloosa mustang I had befriended some time ago.

She stopped beside me, looking ahead.

"It's time." I declared and she nodded.

We set off down the opposite side of the hill, The stygian armor I had conjured us glinting in the sunlight. Vailan was sure to have seen us now. I flinched as I thought his name. With the Rada'han around my neck dampening most of my magic, I had no defences. I only had enough magic to keep the Labyrinth going, but I did not tell Sarah that. Thankfully, Because of the Rada'han, It also dampened HIS magic towards me. So, where saying HIS name would cause excruciating pain to most, I feel only a slight twinge. I would just go along with Gareth, Sarah and most others in the Labyrinth by calling him 'ass hat', but I refused to be defeated by a name. I WILL call him Vailan. I flinched again. This time, Sarah must have noticed as she reached out her hand and placed it on my fore arm. I opened my eyes, not realising I had closed them, and looked to see the worry on her face. I took one of my hands from the rains and rest it on hers, reassuring her that I was fine.

When we reached the gates to the goblin city, I heard the castle in my head.

Ready when you are.

I smiled and looked at those behind me.

"Charge!" I shouted, raising my sword in the air, and the gates shot open.

We charged through the goblin city, the very shadows coming alive to fight us. Sarah, who it turned out was rather good with a bow and arrow, was shooting at them with the imperial steal arrows Ruby had provided us.

Between me, Sarah, Gareth and Ruby shooting and swinging at the shadows, we managed to clear a path to the castle.

There was a lot of shouting behind us. The goblins were screaming bazar insults like, 'Go fall in soup' and 'Hey assbutt.' Some of the smaller goblins that moved the floor tiles were shifting the floor and shouting something like 'Your mother is a freaking aardvark!' Strange creatures. We ran towards the doors to the castle as they burst open. Vailan must have started to cease control over the castle again because the doors soon started slowly closing again. We had dismounted some time back but were still going fast enough to make it.

We got through the doors just in time for them closing, but were surprised, the halls were empty.

I held my hand out to Sarah and she took it, a little too fast for my likening. I looked up and saw her brave face, but when I looked in her eyes I could see how scared she was. I squeezed her hand slightly and saw her relax a bit.

I had been in to battle many times before, I had grown up with them around me, but she had never seen one, and was still holding it together. In my opinion, that makes her braver than I am.

We wandered around the castle for some time and then came upon the Dark Room. We hurried inside to restock and found some of the crates had been raided. Somehow they had gotten some of the maize's and other heavy weapons out of the walls. Thankfully, they had left all the knives, bows and arrows due to the fact that they didn't look like much, but truth be told, they were the most powerful out of all the weapons because of their mix of metals.

Ruby walked over to her own stand of immortal weapons, picked up a sword and handed it to Gareth.

"Ruby I can't..." Gareth said, moving away from her shocked.

"Take it." The tone in Ruby's voice was adamant. Most people would only see it as a sword, nothing to worry about. But I knew the truth, It was a sword that could quite easily kill her.

Gareth was still reluctant to take it, and Ruby's features softened.

"Gareth," She took his hand, placing it on the handle of the sword. "I want you to take this, We both know it is the only sword out there that is perfectly balanced for you. I need you to be able to fight."

Gareth nodded and took the sword from her. He glanced over at me, I didn't know what to say, and he must have been able to tell because he looked away.

Our next port of call was the dungeons, to free the goblins that had been imprisoned in the takeover.

After letting them out, it was a one way trip to the throne room.

Walking through the hallways we saw not a single shadow, which unnerved me slightly.

When we got to the throne and instantly understood why.

We opened the doors to the throne room and were instantly attacked. The entire room was full of shadows. Sarah and Ruby stood at the doors, shooting a path for me and Gareth. We fought for what felt like hours, but was probably only minutes. Somewhere along the lines I had lost my sword and was fighting with a knife in one hand, and a table leg in the other. Gareth was at my side, sword still in hand, but he had a rather large gash along his side. Ruby and Sarah had run out of arrows and joined us, fighting with their mixed metal daggers they had acquired in the dark room.

It was going well. I had jumped up onto the table, to see Vailan at the other side of the room. We were still surrounded by shadows.

Ruby must have seen him too, because she broke off from the group towards Vailan. I jumped back down from the table to help Gareth and Sarah.

One of the shadows caught my arm with his blade, but the adrenaline was pumping now, I barely felt it.

Just as we thought we were winning, reinforcements poured through the doors.

Soon, we were backed into a corner.

I felt a sharp pain as the shadows pinned me down and dragged me to the front of the room. My friends detained along with me.

Hi Guys, super late update, blame my useless friend Lou who, even when on the toilet, still can't help me wright shit. If you don't get that... wow.

Next chapter tomorrow.

Comments are always welcomed.

Thanks for reading


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