Chapter 39 Because You Deserved To Know

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Chapter 39

Because You Deserved To Know

Sarah's POV

I sat bolt upright. That same nightmare again, Vailan's shadow army making it to the above ground.

"Sarah? Nightmare again?" Jareth asked and I nodded. "Come here."

I shuffled over to him and curled up against his side, and he rest his head on top of mine. Jareth was as comforting as he could be shackled to the wall. Vailan had him chained up because he feared how much power Jareth might have. He had left the rest of us untied and Gareth explained that it was because everyone, including him, had no power to act against Vailan.

Ruby was unconscious, and had been for the last three days. Apparently, when Vailan cut off her wings, she lost her connection to the High Grounds and became human.

Jareth winced and I realised I had just leant against his side where one of the shadows had stabbed him.

I leant back and began to lift his shirt to see how the wound was doing.

"Let me see."

"Its fine." He tried to move away slightly but I caught him.

"Let me see." I said, more adamant this time and he nodded.

I lifted his shirt and saw that it was healing rather well. Though it had only been three days since we charged the castle and lost, Fae healed quickly so the gash was almost gone.

I ran my fingers over the light cut and kissed it. "There, all better now."

Jareth laughed lightly, despite the fact it obviously hurt him.

I shuffled to his other side and cuddled against him again. His chains were just long enough for him to play with my hair, which helped me relax.

I glanced over to Ruby and Gareth.

Gareth was fast asleep with the still unconscious Ruby on his knee, lent against his body. He had sat like that for the last three days. He never let her go.

"She'll be fine." Jareth said, snapping me from my thoughts.

"Did you know? About Vailan?" I asked curiously.

"No. But I do think she tried to tell me."

"What do you mean?"

He looked away, at Gareth and Ruby. "Many times over the years Ruby has tried to tell me something about Vailan, but my mother always stopped her before she had chance. I thought it was something more about why he was banished. She tried a lot more recently but we were always interrupted. I just assumed she was trying to warn me about the war. But when she tried to tell me on the day we charged the castle, it was different. I knew it was the same thing, but it didn't make sense for it to be a warning about the war, because it was already happening. I guess now I know what it was she was trying to tell me." His face changed slightly to something else, sorrow I think. He kept his eyes fixed on Ruby.

"I think Vailan was wrong."

"How do you mean?"

His face snapped back to me. "He said Ruby was the one to force him out of the family, which I know isn't true, but he also said she was the reason we didn't know. I think he got it the wrong way. I think Ruby told my mother of what a monster he would turn out to be, and it was my mother who took action against him, or else why would Ruby try and tell me the truth?"

"Because you deserved to know." We looked up and saw Ruby was looking back at us, now awake, but weak.

With her angelus side now gone, she looked different. Not too different, but her skin no longer held the glow it once did, though her movements were still graceful, they were slightly sloppier than before, and her eyes were now a pale grey rather than that shocking electric blue. But one thing that hadn't changed, what that exiting spark in her eyes that made her friends happy and her enemies run in fear.

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