Chapter 44 I Just Need A Little Time

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Chapter 44

I Just Need A Little Time

Warning: This chapter contains Mature/Sexual/Harassment/Violent content in graphic detail.

You Have Been Warned.

Sarah's POV

I woke up before everyone else and laid staring at Jareth, drinking in the sight of him.

Suddenly I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and drag me away. I tried to scream but they covered my mouth so I kicked out. I must have caught Jareth because he woke up and lunged at me, trying to pull me back, but was struck and thrown into a wall. All the commotion had woken Ruby and Gareth up and they were trying to help too, but the shadows forced them back and slammed the door in their faces.

I heard Jareth screaming after me as I was dragged down the hall.

I was thrown into a dark room which at first I didn't recognise, but then I retraced my steps here.

"These are Jareth's chambers." I said aloud to the empty room.

I was startled when a deep voice answered from behind me. "They were once yes, but now they are mine." Suddenly the lights came on and I saw who it was that had spoken.

"Vailan. What am I doing here?" I asked. Trying and, thankfully, succeeding to keep the fear out of my voice.

"Because I want you here." Was all he said as he walked over to me.

I stepped backwards to get away from him but fell on to a chaise lounge chair in the centre of the room where the bed used to be before Jareth stole it.

I tried to stand but Vailan pushed me down.

"I said I would take advantage of you Sarah. And It looks like now is the time to do it."

I pushed him off of me and scrambled away, running for the door but he caught me and pushed me into a wall.

"I am not someone you want to disobey Sarah, and you will do well to remember that."

I looked into his black, void eyes, feeling as if my very soul was being pulled into them.

I spat in his face and he slammed me into the wall harder, causing me to scream in pain.

Sarah?! Sarah what's going on?! I heard Jareth's worried voice in my mind.

"Jareth!" I screamed aloud, it was all I could do before he forced a kiss on me.

He tried to force his tongue into my mouth but I resisted.

He growled in annoyance and slammed his pelvis painfully into mine, causing me to cry out and he forced his tongue in.

I could hear Jareth calling my name in my head, but I couldn't reply.

Then I had an idea.

I'm sorry Jareth, but I promise you'll kiss me for it later.

Sarah? What are you doing?

I didn't answer.

I relaxed into Vailan, pretending I enjoyed it. I thought about how much he looked like Jareth, which helped me a great deal. I tangled my hands into his hair and he pulled away smiling.

"That's more like it." He grinned at me and I looked at him as if I wanted this, trying to hide my disgust and fear from him.

I looked before me and imagined it was Jareth I was looking at, and god how much I wanted to kiss Jareth right now, How much I wanted Jareth to remove every trace of this vile man from my mouth. Finally envisioning Jareth I pulled Vailan back into the kiss longingly, using my hands tangled in his hair to deepen the kiss.

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