Chapter 36 It's Not Real, This Is Real

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Chapter 36

It's Not Real, This Is Real

Sarah's POV

I sat in the bath, because this tent had a bath, playing with the necklace Jareth had given me. It was so beautiful. I liked the simplicity of it, there were no diamonds or other stones to weigh it down. Just a simple, silver band, with those beautiful words on them.

"I move the stars for no one." I muttered to the empty room.

"But I'd move the galaxy for you."

I closed my eyes and lent against the back of the bath tub.

I felt arms wrap around me, but I did not need to open my eyes to know who it was. Jareth.

I smiled and turned my head into his arm, burying it into the crook of his elbow.

"It's true. I would do anything for you." He whispered into my ear.

I smiled against his arm.

"Come now love. The water is cold."

I hadn't realised until he said it, but he was right. The water was now cold, and had been for a while.

I nodded and he helped me out of the bath. I noticed his eyes lingering on my naked forum and blushed, pulling a towel around myself. I was comfortable walking around him without clothes on now, given the events of last night. But it was the look on his face, that longing look that, I just knew, I would not be able to deny.

He wrapped his arms around me and rest his head on my shoulder, rubbing my towel gently as if to help me dry off.

I turned in his grip and ran my hands down his bare chest, leaving them to rest at the waist line of his tight trousers. I rest my head on his chest.

"Come on love, it's time to get dressed for war." And with that, we left to the bedroom.

Jareth walked over to the chest that sat at the bottom of or bed and opened it, pulling out some clothes and handing them to me. There was a pair of black, tightish, trousers, a black vest and a midnight blue top with long sleeves, a v neck and a hood. I looked at him questionably and he smiled slightly, handing me some leather bands I knew were vanguards.

I took then off him and smiled. He turned and pulled out a shirt, pulling it over his head harshly. I could tell he was upset about something, so I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around him.

"What's wrong?" I asked calmly. He sighed ad leaned back into me.

"I never wanted..." He stopped, shaking his head.

"I never wanted this for you. When you came back I was upset, not that you were back, but because you hadn't wished for it. When I learnt that it had only been a few hours, I forgave that. Then when I kissed you, I wanted it to stay that way. But when you promised you would come back after you took your family home, I was so happy, you would stay with me. I had hoped that, with my illness having gone, and you staying by my side, this war would go unwaged. And that we would be happy..." He trailed off.

"Happy?" I asked shocked, and he looked down. I walked around him and leant downwards, looking up, to look at his face. "What makes you think I am not happy?" I asked, still surprised at his words. "I am happy Jareth. I don't want a war, but it can't be helped, and that's not your fault. But don't you think for one second that I am unhappy." I took his hand and put it on my chest, over my heart. "Feel that?" I asked rhetorically. "That warmth. That is the happiness I have whenever I am with you. The love I feel for you and you alone. The war. The war is but a myth, much like fear, it is something we give a name to, just because we can't stand against what is in front of us, we create fear so we have a reason not to. It's not real. This," I said, gripping the hand on my chest tighter. "This is real... This is how much I love you."

He raised his head lightly and looked me in the eyes. "When did you become so wise?"

Before I could answer, he ceased me with a kiss. I felt his hands slide down from my neck to my chest, where I pulled my soaked bath towel off of me and pressed me against his body. His hands fell to my lower back, and pressed slightly into the small of my back, causing me to moan. I wasn't sure why it felt so good, it just did.

He pulled away slightly, just enough to talk, but his lips were still touching my own.

"Let's get dressed love." He said, smiling against my lips, and I smiled back.

I nodded and tucked in his shirt for him, tying the sides to his belt and he smiled.

"It might surprise you to know that I can dress myself you know."

I looked up at him and smiled back. "Maybe so, but I do it much better." I turned and started walking over to where my clothes laid on the bed.

"Does that go for undressing me too?" He said, I could hear the grin on his face in his voice. I blushed and picked up the clothes.

"Maybe, if your good." That caused him to grin wider and laugh. It did not take too long for me to join in. I pulled on the clothes Jareth had handed me rather easily. I looked in the mirror and was rather surprised. I actually looked rather grown up.

Jareth walked up behind me. Wrapping his arms around my waist, he rest his head on my shoulder.

"Growing up, I never imagined I would see a war, never mind be in one." Jareth sighed and buried his head in the crook of my neck. I leant in to him.

"But for the Labyrinth..." I turned to face him, cradling his cheek. "For you... I would fight a thousand."

He kissed the palm of my hand, then looked me in the eyes. I stared deep in to those mismatched, blue and brown eyes of his as he said, "Let's get going then."

Hi Guys, the battle will start in the next one. I just wanted you guys to 'feel the love' between these two a little more.

Comments are always welcomed and loved.

Thanks sooooo much for reading


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