Chapter 43 Why Didn't You Tell Me

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Chapter 43

Why Didn't You Tell Me

Jareth's POV

Ruby and Gareth had already gone to sleep, but me and Sarah stayed up talking... Some of the time. There was a coving in one of the walls we had found earlier in the day that gave us a bit of privacy if one of the others woke.

I was currently laid on my back with Sarah laid on top of me, messing with my hair.

"What, exactly, are you doing to my poor hair?"

She laughed. "Uhmmm, nothing." She said cryptically, trying and failing to hide her smile. "But seriously, its longer than mine." She said, holding up a lock of her hair as if to make her point.

I laughed lightly at her, taking the lock of hair out of her hands and playing with it.

"I thought you liked my hair long." She smiled and I grinned. "I thought you liked having something to grab on to."

She blushed and looked down nervously, causing me to laugh a bit more.

I looked to the side to see what she was doing with my hair.

Is that what I think it is.

"Is that a braid?" I said, rolling over so that I was on top of her, pinning her hands to the ground. "I don't think so."

She laughed and squirmed playfully beneath me, but we both knew I was too strong. That's when I noticed them.

"Sarah?" She must have known what I had noticed because the smile left her face and she moved from beneath me.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked, turning in the spot I was sat to see her now stood in front of me, back turned.

"Because I didn't know how you would react. I knew it would upset you if you knew about them."

"Them?" I asked and she looked down at the ground. "Show me." I said standing, and Sarah started taking off her dress.

Sarah now fully unclothed, I stared in horror as I ran my fingers over the newly developed bruises over her body.

Her whole back was bruised, the tops of her arms and around her wrists were bruised black.

"Do they hurt?" I asked, shocked she didn't tell me.

She shook her head.

I lightly touched the one at the top of her shoulder and turned away from her.

I had always known I was stronger than Sarah, but I had never thought I could do this to her.

I started walking over to the other side of the room when she caught my arm.

"Jareth..." She started, the tears in her eyes audible in her voice.

"No Sarah. I took you from your step-mother because she abused you, and I hate her with every fibre of my being for it. I took you away from all that because I never wanted you to get hurt ever again. I never thought I could..." I trailed off, I couldn't say it. I couldn't even think about what I did to her.

"Hey." She stepped in front of me, but I couldn't look her in the eyes. Apparently she didn't like that because she pulled my head up to look at her. "I don't care. I'm happy, I am so happy and that's because of you. So what if I got a few bruises-"


"No Jareth. Please just hear me out." I nodded and she continued. "This was always going to be hard. Your much stronger than I am, and you've always been careful. These bruises are as much on me as they are you Jareth, but I don't care about them. When you told me I would be stuck here, you also said I would become Fae and immortal. If so, then we only have to be careful until then."

"But what if I hurt you again?"

"Did you not see how happy I was five minutes ago? If I was scared you might hurt me again would I do this?" She pulled me in and kissed me lightly. Every part of my body was screaming at me to pull away in case I hurt her again, but something about her always kept me there. I wrapped my arms slowly and gently around her waist as to not hurt her and hugged her lightly into me.

She pulled away and smiled at me, cradling my cheek.

"You see. We can do this, I know we can. I love you Jareth."

I smiled and ran light rings around the small of her back with my fingers. I had regained my control over my strength again.

"I love you too." I said and moved back in to kiss her when I realised, she still wasn't wearing any clothes and it was cold in this dungeon. I picked her dress up off of the dungeon floor behind me and draped it over her head, then went back in for the kiss, kissing her a little more forcefully than before, but not too much to worry about hurting her.

I found it was easy controlling my strength around her, so long as I never lost control. Which I am sure is going to prove more difficult than it appears.

I felt Sarah grow warm beneath me and soon grow scorching hot, it was difficult to touch her. I pulled back to look at her and she had a faint glow about her. She looked down at her body startled.

"What the hell?"

"The most powerful thing of all." Me and Sarah jumped away from the voice to our right. Ruby and Gareth were still sat there, eyes closed, but it was defiantly Ruby's voice I heard, then she spoke again. "Check her over, you'll find all the bruises are gone." I looked at Sarah's wrists to find they had disappeared.

"How?" I asked, I had no magic.

"What is the most powerful type of magic in creation Jareth?" She asked cryptically.

"Eah... Love." I said, remembering from the lessons I had as a child.

"Yes. What you proved was that no matter what happened, weather he hurt you Sarah or not, you would still love him. And, Jareth, that you would always try and make it up to her, but that you can also forgive yourself because she did. Because you love her.

That is the magic that healed the bruises." Ruby finished and I sighed in relief. At least Sarah wouldn't have those horrible marks on her arms that I had caused.

"And by the way..." Ruby started. "I only know about the bruises because I spotted them earlier and was going to ask Sarah about them tomorrow. I only just woke up because I felt the magic, I haven't heard anything you guys said." Ruby said. I was glad she hadn't listened In to our whole conversation.

"Now go back to your corner, I'm going back to sleep."

I laughed lightly and lead Sarah back over to the coving where we were earlier.

I laid down on my back and Sarah laid on top of me, apparently liking it there.

She kissed me with slight force, then laid her head on my chest and fell asleep in my arms. I followed her example shortly after.

Hi Guys, please don't hate me for this chapter. Also, this chapter is a little late, you can blame Jarethismyking for the 3 hour skype call part of that too. LOVE YOU REALLY!!!

Comments are always welcomed xxx

Thanks so much for reading


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