Chapter 35 It Took You Guys Long Enough

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Chapter 35

It Took You Guys Long Enough

Warning: This chapter contains mature, sexual content in graphic detail.

You have been warned.

Jareth's POV

I woke up to the moon light coming through the material roof of the tent. I was about to move to stand when I felt a pull at my arm. I looked down to see Sarah, cradled against my side. Then I remembered the activities from earlier that night, and I smiled. Not a cruel or wicked smile like the one that usually occupies my face, a true smile, a loving one. One that showed all the love I felt for her, even if she couldn't see it, it was there.

Relaxing again, I slowly drifted back to sleep.

I woke again, my eyes closed. I noticed that the covers had slipped, barely covering my hips. I was about to move them but then I realised, I couldn't feel Sarah next to me. Before I had time to panic, I heard her light footsteps coming towards the bed.

I stayed still, pretending to be asleep, curios of what she would do.

I felt her warm fingertips follow the outline of my face, then trace my lips, and run along my jaw line. It took all my effort not to smile. She slowly ran her fingers over my chest, tracing the lines of my stomach.

When she got to the bottom of my stomach, she stopped, just realising how low the covers had sank.

I opened my eyes slightly and saw all the courage disappear from her face as she lingered at the edge of the covers.

Seeing that her body was only covered by one of the sheets off the bed, I decided she had lingered long enough. I pulled her on to the bed and rolled on top of her, pinning her to the bed. "Exploring more than the Labyrinth now are we Sarah?" I grinned and she giggled beneath me. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me in to a steady kiss. I couldn't believe that this woman lying naked below me was the same woman who had run the labyrinth, and defeated me. The same woman who I had shown hostility towards when she had returned. The same woman who had rejected me, and broken my heart. I laughed.

"What is it?" Sarah asked confused beneath me.

"Look at how far we've come. From the villain and the hero, to this."

"Mmmm... I don't know about that?" Sarah said teasingly.


"Mmmm... If you ask me your still quite the villain." She smiled.

"Oh yes..." I agreed. "The evil goblin king, praying on innocent women." I said, lowering back into a kiss as she giggled.

When we parted, I sat up. "Sarah, I have something for you." I knew she would love her gift, I had conjured it up early this morning. It was based on something Sarah had dreamt about, I believe her real mother had something like it.

Sarah sat up and looked at me, giggling again as I passed her the metal, velvet lined box.

When she opened the box, she gasped. It was a necklace. A silver ring with engraving on it. 'I move the stars for no one.' Was on the outside, and, 'But I'd move the galaxy for you.' On the inside.

"It's like the one my mother used to have, with my father's name on the outside and mine on the inside." She said, smiling at the ring on the necklace.

I smiled and pulled the necklace out and fastened it around her neck, kissing her forehead before I pulled away.

She launched herself at me, knocking me back on to the bed. "Thank you Jareth, I love it." She leant back and looked me into my eyes. "I love you." There they were, those words I had been longing for, for almost a year. I couldn't contain my excitement. I pulled her in to a deep, passionate kiss, pushing against her slightly so we were sitting up, then pushing a little more so that she was on her back. I pulled the covers up, over our heads, causing her to laugh lightly.

"I love you too Sarah." I said, before returning to the kiss.

I ran my hands over Sarah's chest and cupped her breast, causing her to gasp and dig her hands in to my back.

"Well Well." I heard from above the covers and looked up to see Ruby grinning at us.

Sarah gasped and pulled all the sheets up to cover herself whilst I just laughed and rolled off Sarah, on to my back. Still covered of course.

"I was just coming in to wake you guys up." Ruby said acting all innocent, but the smirk on her face betrayed her, causing me to laugh more.

"It took you guys long enough." Gareth said, appearing from behind Ruby.

"Now were one step closer to being even." Ruby said winking at us.

"Get out," I laughed, throwing a pillow at them.

"We're going! We're going!" Ruby shouted, throwing her hands mockingly into the air and fleeing from the pillow I had thrown.

When they had both left, I looked at Sarah. She looked at me shocked for a moment, then we burst out laughing at the absurdity of the past few minutes.

Hi Guys, Thought I'd give you a sweet chapter before the 'Battle For The Labyrinth' (which will be the name of the next chapter, I just decided.)

I also changed the editing on the story to include mature content.

Also, the idea of Sarah tracing Jareth's chest was based on Kickstar's 'The Taming Of The Goblin King.' But aside from that the two scenes are quite different.

Comments are always welcomed.

Thanks for reading


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