Chapter 21 A Spell On Heels

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Chapter 21

A Spell On Heels

Jareth's POV

After Pegasus had flown me and Sarah around the sky, to see the stars and meet Cygnus and Aquila. We had landed, bid him farewell and gone back to Sarah's quarters.

Sarah was now lying against my chest. The evening had tired her out and she had fallen straight asleep.

I was soon to follow. Sleeping with her at my side, I found, was rather relaxing.

I woke up first, as usual, and tried to move out from underneath Sarah. I did not want to move, but I knew her father would come in to say good morning. He didn't mind me sharing a bed with Sarah after her nightmare, but if my sister Areyn was to walk in, I doubt she would let it down easy.

My attempts to get up without waking Sarah were proved futile when I opened the door to leave.

"Where are you going?" She asked, stood behind me.

"I was going to prepare breakfast, I thought we might all have it in the garden, after all, my mother did always like the out doors." I said quickly in hopes she would believe me.

"More likes you didn't want the risk of your sister walking in."

Damn, she's good at this.

I sighed and walked over to her. I wrapped my arm around her waist and kissed her lightly.

We walked over to the bed and sat on it. Sarah sat to my right and I turned to face her.

She caught me by surprise when, whilst I was turning, she kissed me and pushed me back on to the bed. I smiled against her lips and rolled over so I was resting between her legs.

I flicked her lip at usual, but she refused to open them. I pulled away and looked at her. The smile on her face told me she was going to make me work for it.

Challenge acepted.

I started to kiss her neck, feeling her squirm beneath me I knew I had found a sweet spot, and I bit down hard.

She gasped and I kissed her, useing her gasping to my advantage and slipping my tongue in.

She raised her legs and I went to pull away, but she wrapped her arms and one of her legs around my back.

We laid there kissing, happy with not going any further. I will admit I wanted to go further, but it wouldn't be fair on her.

When we separated, I stood, Helping her off the bed. I was about to walk out the door when I remembered.

"Oh Sarah." She looked at me. "Tonight, because my family will be leaving, we are holding a ball. Which means puffy dresses and heels."

"Eah. .. ok... the dress I can do, but the heels... I've never walked in heels before. I can't walk in heels."

Oh right, I kept forgetting they didn't wear them anymore in Sarah's world.

"Here, follow me." I said, walking towards the wardrobe.

"What are you doing?" she said following me.

"Well, I know you haven't picked a dress out yet, so I'll just do it to all of them."

"Ok... now I'm really confused."

I handed her a pair of heels. "Here put these on."

She put on the heels and tried to walk, stumbling and I caught her.

I waved my hand over the shoes. "Now try."

She tried to walk again.

"What did you do? It feels like I'm wearing my normal trainers."

"It's a spell, you should be able to walk and run in all of these shoes now."

She hugged me. "Thank you." She said, pulling away slightly and kissing my cheek.

"Right, I am going to go and sort breakfast. It will be in the gardens at 08:00. Don't be late. I'm sure if you ask Areyn she will help you with your dress again." I said smiling and walking to the door.

"You knew about that?" she asked embarrassed.

I smiled at her and left the room.

Hi guys, I know this one's a little short and boring but the next one will be much longer ;-)

It is kind if a filler chapter, just my way of telling you there was going to be a ball.

Comments are welcomed

Thanks for reading


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