Chapter 13 Don't Leave Me

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Chapter 13

Don't Leave Me

Sarah's POV

After hours of playing the piano with Jareth, I had started to get tired. The sound of him playing was so relaxing. We left his room and he walked me to my own. It was nice walking with him and I think he sensed it too. Normally it only takes a few minutes to get to my room as it was only down the corridor, but it took us another two hours as he took us the long was around.

I was still a little shaken up about earlier, but being with Jareth made me feel better. Whilst we were on the piano I had completely forgotten about the argument with Karen...

Karen. I wonder where she is now...

Jareth looked over to me, knowing what I was thinking. He suddenly stopped and pulled me into a hug. He stroked the back of my hair as I began to cry again.

Why would she do this, why would she do this to us. What must dad be thinking. And poor Toby...

I cried harder.

"Shhhh..." he said calming me a little. "It's ok. It'll all be ok."

I wanted to scream and shout, how would he know if it would be ok. How could he leave the promise of that. But there was something in his voice, something that meant it. I trusted that part, I believed that part.

I calmed down and he let me go. Looking into my eyes. I put my head down. And stared at the floor.

He sighed lightly then took my hand in his, and, with his right hand, he traced my jaw line to my chin and gently lifted my head to look at him. I looked into his mismatched eyes and he looked into mine.

Then he kissed me.

It was gentle but lasted a long time, and I kissed him back.

He wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me in closer, but didn't go any further. I was thankful so that.

Then he pulled away, causing me to wimper again.

He took my hand and lead me back to my room. I walked in leaving the door open for him to follow. He did.

I walked into the bathroom to put on my nightgown and when I came back out, he was sat on my bed, facing the door with his back turned to me.

He heard me walk in to the room and stood up.

I sat down on the bad and we talked more.

He asked about when Karen had first started hitting me.

"I was 7," I started. "It was just after they married. I never really liked her, she just seamed..." I tried to find the word. "off?"

He stayed silent, waiting for me to continue.

"She was looking after me one day, and she was being mean, asking me why I never did anything to help, so I did. I started to wash the pots and she hit me. She started screaming at me saying I was always in the way.

She kept hitting me and screaming at me. I woke up a week later and I couldn't remember anything. She had beaten me into a coma. She told my father and the doctors I had slipped at the top of the stairs and banged my head on the banister.

I couldn't remember anything that had happened until a month later. I started asking what had happened and when my dad left she hit me again."

Jareth winced. I put my head down, unsure if I could finish. But he took my hand and encouraged me to continue.

He listened, that was all I needed. Not someone to convince me I'll be fine or go and shout at Karen. Just someone to listen.

"She kept hitting me and telling me she was trying to help me. That she would 'straighten me out'. She always made up bull excuses as to why I had new cuts, or bruises, or broken limbs. I was always a clumsy child, so things like falling down the stairs would do." I stopped there. It was too painful to go on. But that was all I needed to say. Jareth wrapped me up into his arms and hugged me. I didn't cry. I didn't need to. I finally had someone to talk to. Someone to believe me. And that was Jareth.

We sat like that for what felt like seconds, but was probably hours.

I got in to bed. Jareth kissed my fore head and stood to leave.

I grabbed his hand.

"Don't leave me." I pleaded. I felt safer with him around.

He complied and laid on the bed next me, pulling me against him. I don't know what it was, but, whenever I slept in the same bed or, I suppose, throne, as him, I slept so much better.

And, hugging in to him, we fell asleep.

Hi guys. I decided to give Sarah a bit of back story when it comes to Karen. I also wanted to show how Jareth is a good listener.

Comments are welcome!

Thanks for reading,


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