Chapter 8 Father - King Bonding

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Chapter 8

Father - King Bonding

Jareth's POV

We sat down just as the goblins had finished serving. The breakfast was a simple 'English breakfast' as they called it in the above ground. I had asked the goblins to prepare it for the family in hope its familiarity would calm them down. I hope it tastes nice. I started eating. It was delicious. Much nicer than the normal eyelichen stew. I will have to have this more often.

"Are you ok Goblin King?" Sarah asked touching my arm.

I snapped my head up, I hadn't realised how quietly I had sat. I put an a casual face.

"I'm fine. Just enjoying human food"

Sarah's father nearly spat out the drink he was taking, I had forgotten he was there. "Human food? What do you mean human food? Are you not human?"

"No I am not. We don't really eat human food down here"

"But, if you're not human, then what are you?"

Sarah glared at him about to speak but I put my hand on her lower arm that was resting on the table.

At least he was speaking and unafraid to ask questions. I didn't mind answering them really. It's been a long time since I've been able to have 'intelligent' conversation.

"I am a Fae. A magical race closely related to fairies."

"But you look human."

"You look Fae." I said and, from the confused look on his face I knew I was going to have to explain. "When a Fae loses their power they become something different and don't belong in the underground anymore." Still confused I see. "Well. How do you think your race came to be?" I raised an eyebrow, understanding dawning on his face "My kind are the ancestors of yours, that is why humans look Fae and not the other way around." I concluded, smiling a little at his reaction.

"Eah, Goblin King-"

"Jareth, please, I see no need for formality here."

"Jareth, If I may, what are we doing here?"

I saw Sarah glare again. Oh if looks could kill.

"Honestly." I started "I do not know. This has never happened before. Sarah has explained that her step-mother Karen was the one to wish all of you here," I glared at Karen for a moment, causing her so sink into her chair a little, then looked back to Sarah's father, neutralising my face again. "But I don't know how. It shouldn't be possible. A person may wish someone else or even themselves away, but It isn't possible to wish a group of people away. I do not know how she did it or even, for that matter, if it was her."

"What do you mean 'if it was her'?" Sarah asked before her father had the chance.

"Like I said, it shouldn't be possible, which means maybe somebody else could have done it."


I looked at her and saw her eyes widen.


"What" Her father jumped back into the conversation.
I like him, he likes to understand things even if he doesn't think he ever can.

"The man who tried to kill The Goblin King last night could have something to do with it"


"Goblin King" she cut me off.

"Sarah-" I tried again.

"Goblin King" she cut me off again in a slightly higher pitch, innocent tone.

"Why do you continue to defy me when I ask of you to call me Jareth?"

She just gave me that look which, for her, I knew meant 'what exactly are you going to do about it?' and finished her drink.

I sighed, defeated. She was a head strong, stubborn young woman and I knew, once she got something into her head, there was very little hope of getting it out.

"What do you mean someone tried to kill Jareth last night?" Sarah's father continued.

"King Vailan. He rules over one of the neighbouring kingdoms. He took my weakened state as an opportunity to attack me and try and take over the labyrinth. He nearly succeeded too." I shuddered remembering the dagger he held.

"What happened? No offence but when I saw you yesterday, you could barely walk, how did you survive the attack?"

I looked at Sarah. "Sarah distracted him long enough for me to throw him off, but when I turned he was gone."

Sarah's father looked down, thinking about my answer.

"And then he nearly died from his illness." Sarah added

"I'm not sure I'd go so far as to say I 'nearly died'." I said trying to defend myself, even though what she said was true.

"Oh really? Then what would you call the events of last night's fever?"

I looked down, I couldn't lie, it's against my kinds ability, so I had nothing I could say.

She laughed a little at her triumph. And I started to laugh too.
It felt good to laugh with her. I don't even remember the last time I laughed. Truly laughed, at something good anyway.

Hi guys, I decided to bring Sarah's father in to the conversation to liven the scene up. I think it worked. Do you agree? I still hate Karen though so it may be a while before she gets a big part. Thanks for reading and, As always, comments are welcomed.

I know I'm a little late, but I have just seen it. I would like to thank JordanThorpe9 for my first vote. He moved the stars and made me happy 

Thanks Again


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