Chapter 25 Sarah's Answer

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Chapter 25

Sarah's Answer

Sarah's POV

Walking back to my room, I took the long way around, so I would have more time to think.

He could send me home. I could go back home. But I would miss this place. Home doesn't feel like home anymore, this place feels more like home that the aboveground ever has. Maybe Jareth would let me stay. But, my father might not want to stay, he doesn't really fit in here. But if my father goes to the aboveground, I may never see him again. What am I going to do?

Seeing the door to my room I realised I needed more time to think, so I turned tale and head for the gardens.

I sat in front of the fountain, in the back part of the gardens Jareth had shown me. I sat playing with the pocket watch Jareth had given me in my first month here. Tracing the labyrinth pattern on the front was a interesting pass time, I had noticed a few days after being given it, that the labyrinth on the face moved into a different position each day. I looked at the time, II, XXX, IV, 02:34am. It was early, but being up at this time had become normal for me. I usually spend time in the labyrinth with Jareth.

I heard shuffling in the trees behind me and darted around and off the side of the pavilion. Just in time for Jareth to walk in, he hadn't seen me, and something about his expression told me to keep it that way.

He sat at the fountain in the seat I had once occupied.

"What have I done?" He asked no one in particular. "When she came back, I hated her. But, I know now that my hate was a mere shield, to hid from the true feelings I had." He put his head in his hands. "She'll leave, I know she'll leave. She's human, she belongs in the aboveground with her father... but she also belongs with me. I don't know. Maybe if I bring her friends here, they can persuade her to stay. No, I can't do that. I can't force her to stay..." He sighed, looking into the fountin.

"You don't have to." I said, putting my hand on his shoulder.


"This place is my home now, I belong here more than I ever did in the aboveground. I can't leave here.... I can't leave you..." I said, cradling his cheek. He took my hand and kissed my knuckles lightly. There was a time that would have made me blush, but now... Every moment I spent with him, felt right.

I wrapped my arm around his neck and pulled him into a deep kiss. I don't know what it was about kissing him, but it was... comfortable.

He pulled me on to his knee and wrapped his arms around my waist as I wrapped both mine around his neck. I flicked his lip, asking for him to open his mouth and he obliged, surprised. I was surprised too, normally he takes the lead, but he was too slow.

He tucked his hands under my thighs and stood, with me held against the top of his body.

I didn't look up as I felt a gust of wind, then the soft fabric of the sheets as Jareth laid me on the bed.

Jareth seamed happy to have something to push me against as he kissed me more forcefully, but I didn't mind, I returned the force by pulling him down deeper.

I pushed my hands under his shirt, his chest warm against my cold hands. I gasped as he did the same, his hands were on my stomach, no clothing barrier between us.

I pulled away.

I could see the sadness in his eyes before he looked away. He tried to pull away, but I stopped him.

"I want to take my brother and father back and help them settle back into the world above, but after that, I will return..." He looked me in the eyes as I said the next bit. "And you will be mine, as I will yours."

Hi guys, short chapter but... ;-). Enjoy eternal punishment while I write the next chapter.

Comments are welcomed.

Thanks for reading


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