Chapter 40 Its Only Forever, Not Long At All

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Chapter 40

Its Only Forever, Not Long At All

Warning: This chapter contains mature/sexual content in graphic detail.

You have been warned.

Jareth's POV

I woke up a while before Sarah.

Ruby and Gareth we're already gone.

Sarah was still nestled against me, deep in sleep. Thankfully, her sleep looked peaceful, not full of nightmares. The nightmare she had been having was concerning me. Normally, nightmares of Vailan didn't just come from nowhere.

Sarah began to stir and I stroked her hair, soothing her.

She looked up and smiled. "Hello."

I smiled back. "Hello. Did you sleep well?"

She nodded lightly and snuggled further into me. "I always sleep better when your around."

I smiled again and kissed the top of her head.

She leant back and looked me in the eyes for a moment, before kissing me lightly on the lips.

When she pulled away, I looked at her and stroked her cheek.

My Sarah.

She must have thought something of the same because she shifted on my lap, so she had one leg either side of my hips and kissed me more forcefully. I knew Ruby and Gareth would be gone all day, Ruby had told me when Sarah was asleep last night. But still, a dungeon didn't exactly make it to my of top ten places I wanted to pin Sarah down. It looked like it didn't make it to Sarah's list either because she pulled away slightly. "Jareth, I don't want to..." She paused, as if trying to find a way of putting it delicately.

"I know. I agree. The dungeon doesn't exactly set the mood now does it." I laughed and Sarah joined me.

"Oh Sarah, you do make me Laugh. Always so full of surprises."

"Why?" She looked at me slightly confused.

"We are in a dungeon, where I was last night chained up, after failing to cease the castle, in the middle of the war and here we are cracking jokes." I said between bursts of laughter and she joined me. We must have laughed for ten solid minutes because my chest was starting to hurt.

Sarah stood and helped me stand. I was finding it hard to straighten my back after four days crumpled against the floor.

"How's your side?" she said, lifting my shirt slowly up to my chest, then smiling and lifting it over my head.

"Now I'm no physician, but I am sure you didn't need to lift my shirt that high it came off." I smiled knowingly at her.

She looked at me with a smug grin even I was not worthy of and replied with, "It makes it easier to see the wound."

"Does it now?"

"Yes, or in this case, the lack of wound. It's gone, not even a scar." She smiled, her hands lingering on my chest.

"Does this hurt?" She said, pressing her thumb into where the gash had once been.

I shook my head. "No."

"Good. Then this won't either."

I didn't have time to wonder what she meant because she pushed me against a wall with strength I did not know she had and started to kiss me.

Ok, I know I said a dungeon was not the perfect setting for this, but Sarah's determination was really making it difficult to stop myself from pinning her to the wall right there.

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