Chapter 10 Mother - Sarah Bonding

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Chapter 10

Mother - Sarah Bonding

Jareth's POV

Sarah closed the door.
She said my name. She finally said my name.
I stood there. Just, staring, at her door. Completely calm on the outside, but leaping for joy on the inside.

I can't believe she finally said my name. I feel we're finally beginning to build a bond.

I was walking back to my study when I saw something move ahead of me. Like a shadow, so quick I nearly missed it. Chasing after it I wound up in the throne room.

The creature I had once thought was a shadow turned, lowering the hood on her cape.

What is she doing here? Don't get me wrong I was glad to see her, but she's not exactly one to just 'drop in.'

"Hello Jareth. How are you my son?"

"I am well mother, thank you for your concern"

She nodded.

"And you? Are you well?"

"I am well, yes." She looked to the side.

Ah-Ha. I thought. Now were getting to the point.

"Have you spoken to him recently?"

"No, Gareth has b-"

"No Jareth." She said and I looked at her, confused. "The other one."

"Oh him." I stiffened. "Yes, rather recently actually."

"That's what I thought."

"Why?" I asked, even more confused.

"Because he visited me the other day too... Inside my castle."

"WHAT! But that's not possible. He cannot set foot in the land of the Fae. That was part of his banishment."

"I am well aware of that Jareth and it scares me."

It scares her? Well, that alone is enough to scare me too. I have seen this woman stand at the head of executions and she would not even flinch.

"On a lighter note" She said, the problem with our greatest enemy suddenly forgotten. "I heard you had a girl and her family staying in the castle. Is that true?" She asked.

At that exact moment Sarah walked through the doors. Startled to see us. She looked at my mother and her face changed to a more formal one. She had never met my mother. But I think, though not knowing who she is, Sarah had realised she was somebody very powerful.

She turned to me. "My apologies for interrupting Goblin King, I had not realised you had... company."

She hesitated on the word 'company' Looking at my mother whilst she said it.

At first I was confused. But then, looking at my mother, I understood. Being Fae my mother didn't visibly age and she looked around the same age as me.

I walked over to Sarah taking her hand. "Do not worry Sarah, We were just talking about you."

"You were?" She said, looking at me confused.

I lead her towards the centre of the room. "Sarah, might I introduce my mother, Queen Elisa Of Fae."

I smiled as I watched realisation dawn on Sarah's face as she understood how badly she had misinterpreted the current situation.

"It's wonderful to meet you your majesty" She said curtsying low. I didn't know she had such etiquette.

"Sarah," She said taking her hand and lightly pulling her up. "It is wonderful to finally meet you."

"And you your majesty." Sarah said. She was so polite.

"Please, call me Elisa."

Sarah and my mother talked for a long while about, well, everything. But mainly Sarah's world. The aboveground had always interested my mother, but since my father died and she was queen she has been unable to leave the land of the Fae. That's why I'm surprised to see her now. Still, they seemed to be getting off to a good start.

Then my mother made it awkward.

"So" She said "When are you two getting married?" She would pick the exact moment I had made myself and Sarah a drink to say that wouldn't she. I spit my mouthful over the floor and Sarah's jaw dropped.

"We haven't.... We aren't..." I stumbled.

"Please excuse us for a moment Elisa." Sarah said. My mother nodded and Sarah dragged me out of the room.

"What the hell?!.. Wh.... Where did she get that idea?!"

"I don't know I swear. She never said anything to me."

Thanks mum, I'm finally building a bond with Sarah and you go and say that.

"Why would she ask?"

"I don't know. Maybe it's just because you're staying in the castle. You may not have noticed, but I'm not exactly one to have guests. And beautiful ones at that." I said hoping to calm her down. It worked. She blushed bright red and we walked back into the room.

"I am afraid I must leave my son. My kingdom needs me." I nodded. She pulled up her hood and disappeared.

Sarah sat on my throne, visibly relaxing. I smiled. She looks good there. It suits her.

I walked over to her wrapping one arm around her back and the other under her leg, picking her up. She squealed a little but soon relaxed as I turned and sat on the throne, swinging my leg over the arm and sitting her on my knee as I had done with toby when they were here the first time.

She blushed sitting up right. I used my arm wrapped around her waist to pull her into me, she followed, and placed one of her hands in my spare one.

With Sarah lent against me we both fell asleep.

Hi guys. Sorry I know this one is late again but, being the week, things are going to be slowing down, between work and college, I am struggling to find time to write. But do not worry, I will continue to upload. I would also like to warn you about the upcoming dark period this weekend as I will be unable to upload new chapters due to being in a field, in a tent, with no internet. Sorry .

I'd like to thank you all for reading and I'd also like to thank redmur_backwards for voting for this book. I like to see votes and comments as I like to know you are enjoying my book. To be honest with you I don't even know what the votes are for.

As always, comments are welcomed, good or bad.

Thanks Again


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