Chapter 5 Forgive Me

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Chapter 5

Forgive me

Sarah's POV

I just sat staring at him... what else was I supposed to do? The labyrinth was at the brink of war... And The Goblin King was sick... Because of me. When I said those cursed words, I broke his power. His power and the power of the labyrinth rely on each other, take one out of the mix, and it all falls down. Thankfully his fever had broken during the night and he was looking much better. But I still did this to him. The biggest thing I couldn't believe was that it had been six months. Six months since I beat the labyrinth.

"Please say something Sarah" The Goblin Kind said, breaking my trail of thought.

"I did this?" I asked, still unable to believe the damage I had caused. I stood and walked over to the window, looking out on to the chaos I now knew was my fault.

I hadn't realised The Goblin King had stood up until he had his hand on my shoulder.

"It was not your fault, it was mine."

Confused I turned to look at him. He just stared out of the window, refusing to meet my eyes.

"I took your brother away from you and pushed you over the edge. You solved my labyrinth but I tried to go back on my word." He looked into my eyes. "Forgive me?"

Forgive him? He looked so sad. At first I wasn't sure if this was a trick, but then I looked in to his eyes, he meant it. What was this side of him I was seeing. Had he changed over the six months I've been gone. And if so why.

"I think... I forgave you a long time ago" I said.

He looked so relieved.

I realised what I had said and began to walk out of the room. He stopped me but only lightly.

"I need to go and see my family" was all I said.

He just nodded and said, "Will you and your family please come to the gardens for breakfast in two hours. If you wish to change there should be some dresses in the wardrobe. I am afraid I have not got any jeans yet though. If you need any help just call for a goblin and they will be there straight away."

I nodded and proceeded, stopping when I reached the door as I realised, "I have no way of keeping time in the labyrinth, it goes by differently here compared to home."

When I said this he reached for a chain leading to a pocket in his waistcoat he had put on this morning. I hadn't noticed the chain before. It made me wonder if it was even there before. When he pulled the chain off there was a pocket watch on the other end, with a delicate labyrinth design on the cover.

"This should help" he said handing it to me. "It is enchanted so, even when time changes in the labyrinth, it changes with it."

I thanked him and left the room, pocket watch in hand.

Hi guys. This one is a really short chapter but I feel the next part deserves a chapter of its own. Comments, good or bad, are of course welcome.

Thanks again


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