Chapter 42 I tried to kill him... Twice

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Chapter 42

I tried to kill him... Twice

Jareth's POV

Me and Sarah spent most of the afternoon talking about her mother. She sounded like an amazing woman. Talking about her gave me an idea, but that comes later.

"What about you? What was your father like?"

I thought for a moment.

"He was a kind man. He tried to protect me and my siblings from everything. But he also taught me everything. He taught me how to control the old magic, he was the one I got it from. He was King Of The Labyrinth before me too. He trained me and Gareth to succeed him, but forgave him when Gareth told him he did not want to be king."

"Because of Ruby?"

"Not entirely. Gareth never really wanted to be king, he always said it didn't suit him. And when he fell in love with Ruby it just gave him another reason not to be. My father supported that, and he tried to find a way of making it legal for them to marry, he approved of their relationship."

"He sounds amazing."

I smiled. She would have liked him. And he would have absolutely loved her. He would have liked her fighting spirit.

"He was."

At that moment the doors to the cell burst open and Ruby and Gareth came hurtling in. I helped them up as Sarah shouted insults at the guards.

"We might not be here willingly but keep throwing us around like that and we won't be here much longer and I don't think your asshat of a boss wants us dead now does he!"

God I love that woman.

"Now that was fun." Ruby said, standing up laughing.

"Fun?" Gareth said out of breath. "You almost got us killed."

"Twice." Ruby said, as if that made it any better.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Well Vailan tried to get me to give up the High Grounds in exchange for our freedom"

"Which you said no to?" I cut in, just be sure.

"Of course I said no... And then I tried to kill him." She said matter of factly.

"... You what?" I asked, trying to keep the approval out of my voice.

"I lunged at him and tried to kill him."

"What happened?"

"She forgot she was human, that's what happened." Gareth piped up, clearly displeased by the whole encounter. "The impact with the wall should have killed her."

Ruby walked steadily over to where he was stood, back tuned. She took his hand and pulled him around so that now they were stood sideways on.

"Come on Gareth, this is me were talking about. Human or not it would take more than a metaphorical bus crash to kill me." She smiled, as if that was supposed to help.

"What happened next?" I said and Ruby looked up at me thankfully. She had needed someone to inject conversation.

"He made some empty threats about getting to the High Grounds and killing all the angels, but Ruby was quick to point out the fact that he could not enter the high grounds. He started hitting on Ruby again, which was kind of gross. But I did laugh when she slapped him in the face." Gareth relayed and Ruby laughed slightly as if remembering slapping him. "He babbled about nonsense and how 'Ruby is the bad guy here' and how 'she's the one who split the family up' and all that utter crap. And then..." He glared at Ruby and she looked at me proudly.

"I tried to kill him again."

I laughed, earning a glare from Gareth. "Always so persistent."

Ruby laughed and filled us in on some more minor details of their encounter with Vailan.

Hi Guys, this one is a really short chapter which I was told I wasn't allowed to write by my doctor. She said I had to stay away from any forum of technology and stay in bed all day... So I did most of the opposite  :-)

Also a big thanks to Silverlizard87 and sophieaspin for following, and Jarethismyking and KatatinaTheSaiyan for the votes xxxxx Also, Jarethismyking, how did you like the little comment about being in a bus accident? The day after and i'm already cracking jokes hahaha.

Comments are always welcomed, I really enjoy reading them.

Thanks for reading


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