Chapter 16 The Grass Is Shaper Than You Think

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Chapter 16

The Grass Is Sharper Than You Think


Some readers may find this chapter rather disturbing.

You have been warned.

Jareth's POV

Sarah was now walking around the gardens with Toby in her arms.

I stood talking to her father.

"So you've been having these dreams too?" He asked.

"Yes, but mine are a little different."

"How?" He asked. I had forgotten how persistent he was.

"When Sarah had dreamt it, she had dreamt of fear of herself. When I dreamt it, it was the same, up until the smoke coming towards me. I felt the fear, but Sarah's stopped there, mine carried on. I would open my eyes and find I was stood in a green field, Sarah was stood across the field from me...."

I stopped there. This was Sarah's father, he didn't need to hear this.

He put his hand on my shoulder, encouraging me to go on.

Is this what it's like to have a father?

I pushed that thought aside.

Sitting on the bench, I rest my arms on my legs and put my head in my hands. He sat beside me. He wasn't going it be happy until I told him.

"I would stand looking at Sarah, and all would be fine. Then she would scream. An ear piercing scream." I winced, remembering that horrible sound. "I ran over to her and she was being attacked by the grass. Literally attacked. The grass bellow her would turn to metallic blades, pulling her below the surface, and pulling her apart as she goes. I tried to save her, I started digging down in hopes of getting her back, but the ground would turn to stone, and I would wake up, clawing at the floor in my chamber."

I looked down at my hands, seeing the scars bellow my fingernails where I had cut them clawing the floor.

Sarah's father looked like he was going to throw up, and I don't blame him.

"That is why I have refused to leave her side for the last two days, since she had that... dream. I worry it will go further for her. I don't what her to see that, or worse, feel it."

"How long have you been having these dreams?" Sarah asked, suddenly at the side of me. I had been so lost in my dream I hadn't seen her sit beside me.

"They started seven Labyrinth months ago, just after you left the first time. They were a big part of why I was ill, I was too afraid to sleep because of them."

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked, taking my hand.

"Because I thought they were just dreams, But then you had one too..."

She hugged me. It felt strange, her comforting me rather than the other way around. But I didn't mind.

Then a goblin ran outside.

"Sire! The woman!"

"What woman?" I asked, a little annoyed that the goblin had interrupted my talk with Sarah and her father.

"The woman who tried to hit Lady Sarah then disappeared."

"What about her?" I asked. I wondered where she had gone.

"She's in the Labyrinth sire! She's trying to escape!"

"She won't get very far." A human getting in was hard. But a human getting out, now that truly was impossible. The Labyrinth simply won't allow it, It changes so that they look like they are getting somewhere, when in truth, they are going in circles.

"But sire! She already has! She's nearly out!"

"WHAT!" I shouted, standing up.

The goblin ran away, and I don't blame it.

I summoned a crystal and threw it at the floor in front of me, creating a cloud of smoke that was showing me the labyrinth.

"What is it Jareth? I got in, surely it would be easier for her to get out."

"No" I said. "You don't understand. A human getting out through the Labyrinth is actually impossible, not because of my magic, because of its magic. The Labyrinth was born to test humans getting in, but even those who get in, cannot get back out again. The Labyrinth has magic stopping it, she shouldn't have even been able to get back into the labyrinth."

As the image appeared, it started to make sense.



"The Labyrinth stops humans from leaving it..."


"And she's not human..."

"What!" Sarah asked, shocked at my reply, but then again, I don't blame her. Even I hadn't noticed.

"She's Fae, well, Dark Fae."

Hi guys, and on that bomb shell, I shall part for tonight. See you guys in the next chapter. Comments ae welcomed.




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