Chapter 34 Stay

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Chapter 34


Sarah's POV

(Sorry I am writing a lot from Sarah lately, but the chapters sounded better from her POV.)

Warning: Mature content.

This chapter contains sexual activity in graphic detail.

You have been warned.

The goblins had sensed the changes in the Labyrinth and had flooded out of the oubliette and all around the Labyrinth. Jareth had to go and prepare the goblins and the Labyrinth, and update them on his power stance. When I asked the Labyrinth, it said that, Jareth had told the goblins to stay in the city and that, only Jareth, Gareth, Ruby and myself would be entering the castle, and that we would be able to sneak in better with the goblins distracting the guards in the city. The Labyrinth had been told to summon the creatures within it, including the fireys and my friends Hoggle, Ludo, Sir Diddymous and Ambrocious, to come and fight with them. The Labyrinth was also told to stop any reinforcements that ass hat may call for.

I had decided to go along with Gareth in the new name for... HIM... and to call him ass hat from now on. The Labyrinth had laughed when I told it that.

Ruby had walked over and stood next to me on the cliff edge.

"You're scared." She said blankly.

"No, I'm just..." I didn't know what to say, I couldn't come up with an excuse.

"It's ok Sarah, you can tell, or ask, me anything."

I sighed, defeated. "Yes, of course I'm scared. I didn't even know I had power, now I've somehow got to give it to Jareth and keep him standing through a war?"

She smiled and put her hand on my shoulder reassuringly.

"Ruby?" I had to ask.


"What did you mean earlier? When you said Jareth had walked in on you doing... 'Things'..."

She laughed lightly. "Something you should know about me Sarah, I always mean exactly what I say."

"But... I know it's none of my business... But Jareth told me that you hated your magic because it kept you from the one you loved. But, you don't seem like the kind of person that would..."

She looked at me confused for a moment then realised what I was talking about.

"My magic doesn't exactly 'keep' me from them. Because of who I am, I am only allowed to marry one of my own kind. But I was born, not created, the only other like me is my twin brother, but they won't change the laws for me. They may have twisted them if the one I loved had been angelus, but he's not. I am with the one I love Sarah, we have a relationship, and have for going on a thousand years... But I can never marry him." She said, looking down sadly.

Suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her into the body behind.

"Doesn't change anything in my opinion."

Ruby laughed lightly and I turned to see the one head lent on her shoulder that I did not expect to see.


He smiled at me.

Of course, it all makes sense. The grins Jareth gave them every time they left a room, The empathetic look Jareth gave Gareth whenever Ruby walked into the room, How happy Ruby had been so happy to see Gareth when we appeared back in the castle after 13 weeks. Gareth was the one that Ruby had fallen in love with. The chuckle from Jareth I heard in my head told me I was right.

Sarah's Return To The Labyrinth:   Sooner Than You Might ThinkWhere stories live. Discover now