Chapter 31 Rada'han

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Chapter 31


Sarah's POV

Me and Ruby had been running through the castle for half an hour, when finally, she stopped. There was a door in front of her with two shadow guards either side of it.

They won't be the only ones. She said in my mind. God that was strange, I'm used to it being Jareth's voice I hear.

What do we do then?

There will be a set of rotating guards, normally on a 5 minute rotter. We are going to stand here, till they have gone past twice so I can be sure of the time between passes. Then, while they are around the other side, I am going to take out the guards whilst you go in, get Jareth, and get out.

Fool proof? I asked, slightly uneasy.

Fool proof. She agreed.

Fifth teen minutes passed. Ruby was right, There were walking guards, passing every five minutes. On the next pass Ruby looked at me and nodded.

Ruby ran out and, just as she took out the first guard, the door was thrown open and hit the other, causing him to disbursed and forced to reform. But by the time he had, he had been stabbed in the chest.

Jareth looked back at me as he pulled the knife out of the guard. He walked over to me and smiled. He was limping slightly and clutching his side. He glanced at Ruby. "I liked your plan, but mine was better."

"I couldn't hear you."

"No you won't have, but I heard you. Which reminds me, Ruby, can you help?"

He gestured to a piece of metal around his neck, was that a collar?

"Is that a Rada'han?"

He nodded.

"What's a Rada'han?"

"It's a collar that supresses all magic, I'm surprised he could hear us at all."

"I am losing what little power I had managed to hold on to, so I fear I will soon not be able to stand."

I was about to protest when I realised... "How long have we been stood here?"

Too long apparently, I decided as we heard shouting from behind us. The rotating guards had come back around.

Ruby was about to attack them, when they both disburse. After the smoke had cleared, I saw Gareth stood on the other side, sword in hand.

He ran over to us and wrapped an arm around Jareth's waist, putting Jareth's arm over his shoulder to help him walk.

"Let's go."

We stumbled down the corridor when we heard more shouting. They had just found Jareth was not in his cell.

Hurrying down the corridor, we turned corners I assumed were random, but then I realised, we kept turning right.

"Aren't we just going around in circles."

"No, When your in the labyrinth, you take all the left turns to get to the castle, and all the right turns to get to the beginning, that's why it took you so long to get in the first time, you kept turning right. It works the same way in the castle. Keep turning right, and we'll get out."

Sure enough, just as he said that, we ran towards the front doors of the castle. We burst through them and in to the Labyrinth.

Hi Guys, some of you might recognise the Rada'han from legend of the seeker, I liked the idea. Also, The part about turning left and right was not my idea, I got it from another fanfic I read, though I cannot remember which. When I find out I will upload it in another chapter.

Also a big thanks to Jarethismyking1986 for spamming my notifications & inbox with votes, comments and messages. Also thanks to KararinaTheSaiyan for voting and commenting.

Just so you guys know, If you have any writings you would like for me to read, inbox me and, if I haven't already, I will read it. :-)

Comments are welcomed.

Thanks for reading


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