Chapter 46 Epilogue

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Chapter 46


Jareth 's POV

A sat in my throne properly, so in other words, uncomfortably, talking with Sarah's father Robert. After greeting him, I had asked which name he prefers. Robert or Samuel. He answered with something much like Sarah's. That he had often thought about it, and decided, he couldn't help his name being changed, but weather he liked it or not, his name was Robert, and he had to deal with it.

Robert had come back and visited with Toby after he found out about mine and Sarah's engagement. He was shocked about how soon it had happened because he had only been home a few minutes. Sarah could barely contain her laughter as she explained the time difference again.

Me and Robert were just sat talking, drinking something called tea. Apparently is was a common, non - alcoholic, beverage they drank in the Aboveground.

At first, I was confused by the taste, but after a couple of sips, I started to like the warm brew.

"Jareth." He started, causing me to look up from my drink. "I want to talk to you... About Sarah."

I had a funny feeling I knew where this was going, and it wasn't going to be easy for him, so I simply nodded.

"She's never really had... a boyfriend. Or anyone for a matter of fact." He took a slow breath and continued.

"She's happy with you, I can see that plain as day, but... I guess what in trying to say is... the wedding night..." He stopped and shifted in his seat. This really was uncomfortable for him, then again, I don't blame him. We never told Sarah about what Vailan had tried to do... or what me and Sarah had done.

I internally smiled at the thought of Sarah beneath me, and couldn't wait until she was ready for that again.

Sarah... your father thinks you're still a virgin.

I heard her laugh inside my head and reply. He's so adorable. She laughed again and I had to try very hard to not join in.

He's trying to give me a speech on how, you never had a relationship so I should go easy on you on the wedding night.

She laughed again before she replied.

Or not.

I almost spat out my tea at that little response. Her words gave me hope that I would have her squirming beneath me sooner than I had thought.

I snapped back into the conversation just in time to save Robert from it.

"Don't worry Robert. I respect Sarah. And I respect that she might not want to..." I trailed off, seeing the look on his face.

"Thank you Jareth. I am proud of my Sarah for doing what she did in the Labyrinth. And I am proud to have you, as my son in-law. When I gave you my permission, do you know why?"

I looked at him confused. "I assumed it was because I was the only one who could keep Sarah calm through the nightmares."

He smiled and put his hand on my shoulder. "Partly yes. But also because you made her happy, and I could tell you would keep her that way. Everything about you, the way you talked, the way you held yourself, the way you acted, it was all very proud and kingly. Honestly I thought it was kind of pompous. But when I got to know you, I knew it was all a wall. I could see how... vulnerable. .. you were. But just like you helped her, you brought her to life. She did the same for you."

I smiled and nodded at him.

We stood just as Gareth walked through the doors. He nodded at me and I nodded back, then looked towards Robert.

Sarah's Return To The Labyrinth:   Sooner Than You Might ThinkWhere stories live. Discover now