Chapter 24 Breaking The News

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Chapter 24

Breaking The News

Sarah's POV

After the ball, everyone left except Jareth's family and Ruby.

When the last guest had disappeared Ruby groaned, pushed her hood down and threw herself on to the throne as Jareth did, leaning her head back.

I looked at Jareth questionably and he smiled.

"Bad day Ruby?" He said, walking over to her.

"Bad week." She said, turning to look at him, smiling.

"It's been so bad up there this is the first time I've been able to leave. I'm so tired, I've had to use magic just to keep my self awake, and I'm fed up of that hood." She ranted, but didn't seam particularly annoyed.

"Still, at least it's good for one thing. Only the people in this room know what my face looks like, well, the people in this room and my three brothers, but they won't say anything when they see me walking around the above ground."

"Do you spend a lot of time in the above ground?" I asked, genuinely curios.

"Yes, I like it there, no one knows who I am or expects magic. I take it you recognise me."

"You two have met?" Jareth jumped in.

"Yes, but not on purpose. She was a friend of my charge."

"Your charge?"

"Yes, a human who I look after until they reach the age of 18."

"Oh ok."

She stood and walked over to me.

"You have more questions." She stated, that's a little creepy.

"Eah... yeah.... um... how come you have your hood down now? I thought you said you weren't allowed."

"I am not. But everyone here is practically family, that is why they know my face and how I am able to sit in the throne. And for your next questions, by practically family I mean when I was born, because I was born, it wasn't safe for me to stay in the high grounds and Jareth's family took me in and raised me. And for your second question, I can sit on the throne because, with Jareth being king, only his family or someone very close to him can sit here. Your third question, if you sit on the throne and they don't like you, you explode. And for your last question, yes I am always like this." She smiled at me.

I just stared, stunned, that was very creepy.

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it. If you'll excuse me, I am going to retire to my chambers. Are they still in the west wing or have you moved them again."

He looked at me and smiled. "It's in the south wing, a rather stray explosion almost destroyed it about 25 years ago. Gareth, would you please escort Ruby to her room." He grinned, only looking away from me to glance at his brother, who nodded and walked out of the room, Ruby taking his arm as they left.

The rest of Jareth's family returned to the kingdom of the Fae. Gareth was staying at the kingdom, but when I asked why Jareth just smiled. I was soon snapped out of my thoughts by Jareth taking my hand.

"Sarah we need to talk." His smile was gone and he lead me to sit on the throne, crouching on the floor in front of me.

"Jareth? What's wrong?" The sadness on his face scared me, not scared as in dangerous, scared as in I didn't like how upset he looked, I hated seeing him sad. I put my hand on his cheek and raised his lowered head, he had tears in his eyes. "What is going on?"

"Sarah..." He looked down again, shook his head and looked back up at me. "I have found a way... Ruby she.... She can take you back home..."

"What... I..." What do I say? What do I do? I can go home.... But do I want to go home?

"You don't have to make a decision tonight. Go back to your room, talk to your father and sleep on it." He said, his voice cracking as he stood and turned to walk away.

I didn't know what I was going to do, but by the look in his eyes, I knew what I needed to do, to make him feel even just a little bit better. I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist. He turned in my grasp and I kissed him. The first proper time that I had kissed Him.

When we pulled away, I looked him in the eyes. "Thank you for telling me." I said, putting my hand on his cheek. He put his hand over mine, then released it as I left the room.

Hi guys, I am really sorry about not updating the last two days, I have been super busy, and update times are going to get later this week. Sorry again.

Thanks for reading


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