Chapter 30 Dark Room

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Chapter 30

Dark Room

Sarah's POV

Where are you now? Jareth asked in my head. His voice sounded faint, but I don't think it was the magic blocking him and it worried me.

Were about, half way down the third corridor in the south halls. I replied, trying to keep all of the turns marked in my head.

Right. Tell Ruby to stop off in the 'Dark Room', she'll get it don't worry, and... Wait, someone's coming.

"Jareth?" I asked aloud, he wasn't answering.

"Sarah? What's going on?" Ruby said, turning to me.

"He told me to tell you to go into the 'Dark Room' and that you'll understand. Then he said someone was coming, and now he's not replying."

"The Dark Room." She looked around. "This way." She said, walking down one of the side corridors and into a room.

It was a large, empty, Square room, The walls were painted white, and it was very well lit.

"The Dark Room? Not exactly dark..."

She smiled. "Not dark as in shadowed, dark as in for the darkest times."

"I still don't understand."

She walked to the middle of the room, and I thought it best to follow her.

When she stopped, she looked straight ahead and said, "Vatican Cameos."

I know that word... It means battle stations I think. Yeah, battle stations.

As if on cue, the walls exploded with racks of weapons, like seriously, every wall was covered top to bottom with maize's, lances, Long swords, and other forums of weaponry. The floor shook and all around us, racks came out with swords and knives on them, and a statue at the head of the room appeared with jet black armor.

Ruby walked over to a rack in the corner with strange coloured swords, knives and a rather beautiful bow with a quill of arrows. The bow was a pale green wood, with ivy leaves carved into the wood, twisting around the bow. The quill was a jet black leather, with ivy leaves around the base and top. The arrows in the quill had strange feathers on the end, they were larger than your normal arrow fly.

Ruby glanced over and saw me looking. "They are angelus feathers, They keep the arrow straight. Needless to say, I never miss." She looked at me when she said the last words.

Walking over to me, she held out two knives in a belt. "You shouldn't need to use these, but I'd be happier knowing you had them. If anything comes to close, just stab it." She smiled.

I nodded and took them from her. I didn't really know how to use them, but I shouldn't need them.

Turning away from me, Ruby walked over to the stand again. She put both her hands under her cloak and, this time, pulled out two blades like I saw earlier. In one swift movement, she sharpened them on a block to the side of the stand. Then replaced them back under her cloak. She took two knives from the shelf and placed one in each boot, then took the bow and quill.

Throwing the quill over her shoulder, she turned to me. "Let's get going."

I nodded and we turned to leave the room.


"Wait!" I said to Ruby and she turned to face me.


I got no reply, just an image of a door and a hall behind it. I looked at Ruby and she stared back at me as if looking at the image too.

"I know where that is." She said, running out the door.

We're coming Jareth. I said to him, hoping he could hear me. I didn't like how he sounded when he said my name.

Hi guys, Finally getting there. They will find him in the next one.

Comments are always welcomed.

Thanks for reading


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