Chapter 17 Everild's And Wormwood's

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Chapter 17

Everild's And Wormwood's

Jareth's POV

"What do you mean not human?" Sarah asked me whilst we were running towards the throne room. It was the best point in the castle to look over the labyrinth.

"How did I miss it. I should have known when I looked at her. I should have sensed her."

"What?" Sarah's father asked as we pushed open the throne room doors.

"The thing is with my kind, is that your never really hidden, even in the aboveground. Being Fae, I know what creature a person is by looking at them. Other species can only sense those of their own race. A Fae can tell the species and type of any person. If your Fae we can smell it, If your royal then, well, then you really stink. Can sense a royal a mile away."

"So you should have been able to look at her and know she's not human?" Sarah asked as we reached the window. Good, she understands. That means I don't have to explain this twice.


"Then, how didn't you know."

"I'm not sure. I don't know. Sometimes you can hide it, appear human. But, That's powerful magic... Old magic..."

"So, is there anyone who can still do it?"

"Yes but there's not very many. When the old magic went extinct there was only two family's left that could perform it." I explained, for some reason, with hand gestures.

"The Everild family, and the Wormwood family, but I thought the Wormwoods were all dead."

"Then could it be the Everild family?"

"No." I answered bluntly. Hoping she'd leave it there. But this was Sarah, The never dropped anything.

"Why not?"

"Because only two in the Everild family have that ability, And I know it wasn't them."


"Because, being in the aboveground, Flora can't use her powers, and it certainly wasn't me."

I stormed away from the window and sat on my throne, as I usually do, leg over the arm. I hate saying my family name. It is not commonly known to people as, being royalty, our kingdom's name becomes our last name.

"Oh." Was all she said. I walked up to her and took her hand.

"I am sorry I snapped at you. This just.. makes no sense. And I hate not knowing things."

"I know" She said, smiling at me. I think she was still hurt, but she understood.

"So, I take it that means she must be a wormwood." Sarah's father said, I forgot he was here... Again.

"She must be. I thought they were all killed in the massacre, but she must have gotten away."

"Massacre? What massacre?"

"Many, Many years ago. 650 years I think. A man got into their castle and killed there whole family whilst they slept, or at least we thought they had."

"That's horrible."

"No... It wasn't. There magic was killing everything, The plants, the life, all of it. There were black pits opening up at random and just swallowing things, people. They had to be stopped. I was told no one had escaped. If she has escaped then It only makes sense for her to target us, though I don't know how she knew to look for you."

"Wait, Hang on, I know it must be really annoying having to explain this over and over again." Of course, she was right, but I kept that quiet. "Why would she target you?"

"Because it was my family that killed hers. My older brother, to be exact. My mother and father were going about it the right way, through the council of cloven elders." She looked at me confused. "The council who control all judgements in the underground." She looked a little more understanding. "But my brother went behind my parents backs and killed them all, slaughtering them when they least expected it." I spat the last few words out, they tasted foul in my mouth. "He got banished for attacking them, It was... is... against the law. Even if they were killing everything in sight."

"Oh, ok. What do we do then?"

I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her to my side as we looked out over the Labyrinth.

"If she truly is a surviving Wormwood, then I fear there is nothing we can do."

Hi guys, I would have written more but, despite My friend's complaints, I still want to keep the chapters around the same length.

So, ideas, what do you think of Jareth's older brother?

Lou shut up. No spoilers!

And, as you can see, I still hate Karen.

Comments are welcomed, DUH!

And as always, I'll see you, in the next chapter.


Thanks for reading


P.P.S. It's pronounced Ever-ill-d.

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