Chapter 32 I Always Believed In You

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Chapter 32

I Always Believed In You

Sarah's POV

Though we were safe as soon as we entered the Labyrinth, we didn't stop running. About six or seven right turns into the Labyrinth, we stopped.

Panting heavily, I felt a pair of arms pull me in to a hug.

I wrapped my arms around Jareth tightly, pulling him towards me. I felt him wince and let go. Looking at him, I saw just how battered and bruised he really was.

He put his hand on my shoulder and used me as a support to sit down.

"Ruby, I believe I may need medical assistance." And with that, he collapsed the rest of the way to the ground and laid on his back.

Ruby ran over and knelt next to him. I got down on the opposite side.

He must have seen how worried I was, because he reached up and stroked my cheek.

"Do not worry love, Ruby will fix me up good and proper."

He smiled at ruby and she smiled back faintly.

She moved her hand slowly over Jareth's body and her face turned white. She looked Jareth in the eyes with a look I could not quite place.

"Later." He said. She nodded and put a hand on his chest, over his heart.

He winced and rolled on to his side.

"Jareth?" I said, grabbing his shoulder.

"He's fine." Ruby said, standing. "His bones are fixing themselves, which can be a little painful."

I stopped listening after she said 'He's fine.' I pushed the hair away that had fallen around his face. He was already looking better. The bruise that was on his cheek had disappeared and, the cut under his eye was but a faint scar.

He opened his eyes and I relaxed. He really is ok.

He smiled as I helped him stand.

"We need to get to the oubliette. That's where the goblins are hiding."

We nodded and continued to walk through the Labyrinth.

When we reached the tunnels around the oubliette, I wanted to cry. The goblins had retreated underground and, well... they were everywhere, some were injured, most just sat to the sides of the tunnel. None of them even looked up as we walked through.

As we were walking through the masses, I heard crying and pinpointed it to a small goblin, curled up against the wall. It looked like a child. Jareth must have heard it too because he walked over to the little thing. Jareth put his hand on the goblins shoulder and it tried to pull away, and then it looked up and saw who it was. The goblin didn't say anything, it just leaned into Jareth and continued to cry.

When the young goblin had calmed, Jareth pulled away slightly.

"Freya is that you?" He asked. I was surprised, I always thought he was mean to the goblins, but he knew this little one's names. Could it be I had gotten him all wrong.

The young goblin nodded.

"What's the matter? Where are your parents?"

"I... I don't know..." She said, starting to cry again. The way she talked, was like a four year old lost in a mall.

"Let's go find them, yeah."

He picked Freya up and carried her over to me.

As we started walking towards the middle of the group, we heard whisperings.

'Is that the king, it's the king, we thought he was being kept prisoner, how did he escape.' Were some of the mumblings I could make out.

Jareth stopped and looked around the goblins.

"I am back, With the help of Gareth, The Lady Ruby and The Lady Sarah, I escaped. We will take back the kingdom, but first... Gurt, Genevieve, Where are you?"

There was no response but then, all of a sudden... "FREYA!!!!"

Two goblins came running up to us, the others moving to make a path. Jareth knelt and handed the young goblin to the other two running up to him. "Thank you your majesty!" One of the goblins, Genevieve I assume, said to the Jareth, and he nodded.

Me and Jareth were stood in the Labyrinth, near the door to the oubliette. We were sleeping outside tonight, Ruby and Gareth had stayed inside to help the injured goblins.

I jumped when Jareth took my hand, we hadn't said anything to each other since we came out here.

Jareth started to walk into the Labyrinth, and I followed.

After a little while of walking, I had to ask. "Where are we going Jareth?"

He smiled. "Nowhere in particular. Just a wonder."

I nodded and we walked in silence.

We got to the edge of a cliff and stopped.

Jareth wrapped an arm around my waist and I smiled, leaning in to him.


He looked at me, without saying a word. With what I was about to ask this scared me.

"Ruby said we had been gone 13 weeks." He nodded. "Did you ever think I wasn't coming back?" He looked at me sadly and I started to babble. "Because I was home, and I never promised, I mean of course I was going to come back, but what if I had changed my mind, what if - "

I was cut off by Jareth's thumb tracing my jawline. I looked into his eyes, and saw pure adoration. I closed my eyes as he pulled me into a deep, meaningful kiss.

When we parted, he rest his forehead against my own.

"I always believed in you Sarah. I always knew you were coming back for me."

Hi Guys, thought you guys would like to see more of the sensitive side of Jareth and, because I've given Ruby allot of lead in the last few chapters, I'd virtually keep her out of this one.

Remember, Comments are welcomed, good or bad, especially if it's about spelling mistakes.

Thanks For Reading


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